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There is a little soreness

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Q: Should your gums hurt as your wisdom teeth break through?
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Should wisdom teeth always come out?

No. Wisdom teeth should only be taken out if they are a problem.

When your wisdom teeth are coming through can all your teeth be sore?

It's highly possible. As the Wisdom Teeth are joined to your jaw the pain can feel like it's running through all your teeth.

Is it OK to get braces if your wisdom teeth may come in soon?

I don't know if it's OK. I have braces myself and my wisdom teeth are coming in right now. Unfortunatly, I have to get them pulled, if anything that's what would happen. You should wait until the wisdom teeth come in, and then get them pulled, because the metal bands may not fit around the wisdom teeth, and most people have more comfort when their wisdom teeth are pulled. I have braces and my wisdom teeth came through and my otho hasn't done anything to them.

How many teeth does a grown up have have?

An adult that had they're wisdom teeth pulled or not come through then you have 32 teeth. But if you still have your wisdom teeth you have 36.

How many teeth do 15 years old have?

I'm 15 years old and I have 24 teeth. Although it is usually between the ages of 17-21 that wisdom teeth start to grow, there are four more molars (one per side and jaw of your mouth) that should grow at this age and the wisdom teeth should come in at about late teens, early 20's, on average. Note there are some cases where wisdom teeth come early (I know someone the same age as me whose wisdom teeth came through 3 months ago) and others where they don't come through at all. :) kthxbi

How many teeth excluding wisdom teeth should an adult human have?

A full set of teeth, excluding wisdom teeth, is 28 for an adult.

Can you have your wisdom teeth pulled without them breaking through?


Should you get braces put on first and then have your wisdom teeth removed before they tighten the wires?

I had my wisdom teeth out first and then had my brace fitted once everything had healed, wisdom teeth can leave a rather big hole!

You are 14 is it possible your wisdom tooth is coming through as you are suffering disscomfort at the back of your mouth where you are told wisdom teeth come through?

Yes it possible. I am 13 and all 4 of my wisdom teeth are almost fully through. In fact I am having them taken out tomorrow morning........:(

Why do your wisdom teeth have to be taken out?

they dont NEED to be taken out all the time. its just that usually our mouths cannot fit another set of teeth and since they are the last ones in they are the first to go and they are all the way in the back and sometimes never even break through. some people still have their wisdom teeth it just depends on the space

Should wisdom teeth be removed as soon as they come out?

Wisdom teeth should be something you should get out as soon as you can, otherwise it can lead to problems with your other teeth or mouth, unless your mouth is big enough to keep them in. Your dentist can tell you if you'll need them out.

What teeth are windsom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last of the adult teeth to come through the gum, usually between the ages of 18-25. Some people never develop any wisdom teeth whilst others develop one wisdom tooth in each of their four dental arches.