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I was asked to write a paragraph in the simple past tense. I had no idea how to do this so I asked for help on the web and someone wrote this for me.

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4mo ago

I visited my friend last weekend. We watched a movie together and then went out for dinner. After that, we played some Video Games before calling it a night. It was a fun time.

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Q: Show a paragraph containing only simple past tense?
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What is the simple present tense of SHOW?

It is "show/shows".

Show a paragraph containing only simple continues present tense?

There is no simple continuous tense past or present.Present simple tense has only one verb. eg I talk to the dog.Present continuous tense has be verb + present participle eg I am talking to the dog.Here is a paragraph using present simple:My name is Joe. I come from Ekatahuna. I am married. We liveon a farm and have lots of cows and sheep. My wife works at the local high school but I spend all my day on the farm. I enjoy farm work. - verbs in bold.We don't usually write using one tense but here is a paragraph in present continuous:My family are all staying at the beach house. My brother Bob is taking his sons fishing. My wife and Bob's wife are sitting on the deck having a cup of tea. I am reading the news paper. The sun is shining.

How do you convert you to simple present tense?

You is a pronoun and pronouns don't show tense. Verbs show tense. You walk to school. - present simple, verb walk You walked to school - past simple, verb walked = past tense of walk.

What is past tense of verb show?

The simple past tense is 'showed'. The past participle is 'shown'.

What is the past tense of shown?

Shown is the past participle of the verb show. The simple past tense is showed.

Show a paragraph containing only verb be?

1. mary brush her hair. 2. ilove u tasbee .tamlima

To show logical progression from a previous event to a current one you should start in what tense?

Past Tense (Simple & Continuous).

What is past participle for show?

The past participle of show is shown. Show is an irregular verb, which is a verb where the simple past and the past participle tenses are often different. The simple past tense of show is showed.

The simple tences of verbs?

Simple tenses of verbs refer to the basic forms used to show when an action takes place. The three simple tenses are: present (I walk), past (I walked), and future (I will walk). Each tense conveys a different time frame of the action.

What are the three kinds of past tense?

The three kinds of past tense are simple past, past continuous, and past perfect. Simple past is used to describe a completed action at a specific time, past continuous describes an action that was ongoing in the past, and past perfect is used to show that one action in the past happened before another.

What is the past tense for their?

Their is not a verb so it does not show tense.