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Q: Show the proper ways to genuflect and bow?
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In the Catholic Church what is proper reverence and respect toward the tabernacle?

When passing in front of the tabernacle, the proper reverence is to genuflect ( kneel on the right knee momentarilty). This does not occur in procession, but would apply othewise. If the tabernacle is at the sanctuary center, behind the altar, people should genuflect before entering pew; otherwise, they bow.

What is the homophone for bough?

Bow.Bow -- as in genuflect. The tree bough gave the queen a bow.

Where can you find a sentence with the word genuflect in it?

Probably in a Roman Catholic book of instructions. To genuflect is to bow or kneel while "crossing oneself", or making the sign of the cross.

When do you genuflect on two knees?

We stand during the Creed, and during the words "by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of ther virgin Mary and became man" we bow. However,on Christmas and on the Annunciation of the Lord, we genuflect during those words

What is proper technique when anchoring?

From the bow

When to genuflect in mass?

A couple of times! When you get to the pew in which you're going to sit you should genuflect to the alter, which means bowing your head and bending your right knee, almost like a curtsey. There's a period after Communion for personal prayer during which it is appropriate to bow your head, before Communion also there is a retelling of the story of Jesus death and the last supper, a bell will be rung three times during this at which point the head should be bowed. many congregations also bow their heads during the recitals of the Apostles' Creed and the Our Father but that should be plainly obvious. You will also need to genuflect as you leave.

Is there two different ways to spell bow?

There is only one way to spell "bow", but there are two ways to pronounce "bow." [bou] as in to bend over and also [boh] as in a wooden archer's bow.

Is it correct to bow at the name of the Virgin Mary?

It is proper to bow to the name of Jesus, not Mary.

What is pronunciation of bow?

There are two ways to pronounce 'bow' depending on the context in which it is used. The pronunciation of bow as in to bow down is 'bau' and the pronunciation of bow as in bow and arrow is 'boh'.

What area of the boat is the proper technique for anchoring?

From the bow

Has bow wow been on the tyra banks show?

Bow wow and omarion have been on tyra banks show.

Why do you gunuflect as Catholics?

We genuflect in the presence of Jesus at the tabernacle, or before the sacred host when exposed, as Catholics believe this is the real presence of Jesus. Catholics bow in front of the altar, since it a consecrated sign of Jesus,but genuflect when Jesus is present there in the bread and wine, or at the tabernacle, where the body of Jesus in the form of bread is kept for distribution to the sick.