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Able to reproduce asexually by cell division

Unable to reproduce on its own, so they invade a host cell.

Genetic material can be transferred between cells

Unable to carry out any usual activities of a living organism

Living organism

Non living organism

Some bacteria can be beneficial to the human body

No viruses are beneficial to the body

Unicellular (one)

No cells as it is not living

Most bacteria can grow on non-living surfaces.

viruses must have a living host to multiply,

Can be treated by antibiotics

Can't be treated by antibiotics but vaccines can prevent the spread and antiviral medications help to slow reproduction but can not stop it completely.

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What is the difference between a pathogenic bacteria and a virus?

A pathogenic bacterium is alive while a virus is not.

What is a difference between bacteria and virus that shows that bacteria are living organisms and viruses are not?

Bacteria are not dependent on a host. :)

What is the difference between virus and baterias?

Bacteria has both DNA and RNA where as Virus has either DNA or RNA

Bacteria and virus difference?

virus is an arkaryotic organism while bacteria is prokaryotic

Is Ebola a bacteria fungus or bacteriaor virus?

It is not. HIV is a virus. It has a completely different make-up from a bacteria. The most important difference between a bacteria and a virus is that a virus does not have the ability to replicate on its own. It needs a host, another cell, to reproduce, unlike bacteria which can reproduce on their own.

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A bacteria is a unicellular microorganism while a virus is a submicroscopic particle.

What is the difference between viral and a bacteria infection?

As simple as that a viral infection is caused by a virus and a bacterial infection is caused by a bacteria.

four difference between virus and bacteria?

Viruses are (debatably) not alive while bacteria are; meaning they are smaller and require a living host to survive. Bacteria are killed with antibiotics, but viruses are not.

Differences between bacteria and virus?

Bacteria is live and a virus is not. This also means that only a bacteria infection or illness can be killed with antibiotics.

What is the difference between viral and bacterial encephalitis?

The only difference between viral and bacterial encephalitis is what causes it. They are exactly the same condition except one is started via a virus and one is started by a bacteria.

What is connecting link between virus and bacteria?

The mimivirus

What is the structural difference between a virus or bacteria?

Bacteria are living cells -- cell membrane and all that cell stuff. A virus doesn't own it's own cell; it invades a cell and takes over, using the host cell to make more viruses.