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Siberian tigers are mammals so they give birth to live cubs.

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Q: Siberian tigers cubs come out of what eggs and what else?
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On cbb roar what treats can you give to Siberian tigers?

you can give them ostrich eggs, salt lick football or bucket but you have to know the cheat code for them all bucket - water21 salt lick- sun 7 ostrich eggs- water810 football-moon522 hope this helped xx

Do tigers lay eggs?

no. it gives birth to 12 to 40 live young.

Do siberan tigers hatch from eggs?

no they are mammals therefore they don't hatch from eggs

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because a bear laid his eggs on wrigley field and the baby cubs grew up playing baseball.

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Tigers barbs have live babies

What treats should you give the Siberian tiger on the roar game?

give it ostrich eggs!

Do white tigers hatch from eggs or born alive?

White tigers are born alive.

How many egg cells do tigers produce at once?

Females reach sexual maturity at 3-4 years. They can mate all year round, but mating is generally more common between November and April. Gestation for cubs takes about 16 weeks and the cubs are dependent on their mothers for about 18 months after that. The mortality rate of tiger cubs is fairly high - approximately half do not survive to be more than two years old. A tigress may give birth to another litter within 5 months if the cubs of the previous litter are lost. Tigers usually have a litter with 2-4 cubs but they can have as many as 6 cubs in one litter. On average tigers will live for 10 to 15 years out in the wild and 16 to 20 years in captivity, though there is one Australian tiger recorded as living to the ripe old age of 26. It is doubtful that tigers past the age of 20 would remain fertile. Taken together, this suggests that a single tigress may breed from 10 to 24 cubs over her life.