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Q: Similarity and difference of ethics and laws?
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Similarity and difference between civic and ethics?

Maximum same

What's difference between General ethics and social ethics?

the general difference of general and social ethics is their spelling. it is clearly viewed and visible to our naked eye. their similarity is they are both related to ethics. that's all. as simple as that.

What is the difference of christian morality with ethics?

both of them should be consistent with each other. Ethics are the laws which God gives to us and the morality is how we live these laws inour lives. There must not be a division between these.

How Are laws and ethics similar?

Ethics may or may not be enforced, whereas laws are supposed to be. Ethics if they are codified are usually done so unofficially, while laws are codified by a government. A violation of ethics may also be a violation of laws, but not necessarily. Ethics may be personal as well as collective, and laws are intended to apply to people collectively. Ethics may vary among people and institutions, and laws are supposed to apply equally. All ethics are ethical, not all laws are ethical.

What is the difference between ethics and law?

Ethics and law help achieve order and discipline. Laws refer to established and written regulations by a governing body while ethics entail the norms set by a culture.

A word for moral laws with six digits?

ethics ethics

What is the difference between ethics and little ethics?

Regular ethics are the science of morals, and morals or little ethics are guidelines of ethics.

Are similarity and difference synonyms?

NO they are antonyms.

What is difference between ethics and politics?

Ethics is basically the unwritten standards of what is right or wrong. It is very conscious related. Politics is "The activities associated with the governance of a country or area." There relation has a lot to do with the fact that government policies and laws have a lot to do with one or many groups' beliefs or ethics.

Can formalized code of ethics be substituted for laws?


What is the word which has an opposite meaning of similarity?

the difference

What is one similarity and difference between the Sahel and savanna?

A similarity between a Sahel and the savannah is it gets rainfall :)