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Q: Simple as possible computers in computer architecture?
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Related questions

What do computer do?

In a simple sense, computers, if used properly, simplify work.

Is there a list of simple computer term definitions?

You can find a list of simple computer term definitions from the Wikipedia website. The page labelled as "List of words about computers - simple English" should be helpful.

What is the relation between computer and communication?

I think there is not much major difference between IT and Computers. IT includes Networking, Database, web and programming languages etc. where as in CS mainly concentrate on Programming languages and Architecture and design also on networking and other subjects but not in depth.

How many computers were made in 2009?

The answer to this is based on your definition of the word "computer". At it's most simple form - a thermometer can be considered a "computer", as it is a machine that is "programmable" to follow a set of instructions and display output data. A sundial or compass are probably other great examples of simple computers. So I am thinking possibly billions of types of computers. Maybe hundreds per household.

Did they have computers in the 1950?

Yes, those were first generation vacuum tube computers.

Is a computer faster than a calculator when performing calculations?

Yes, a calculator is a very simple computer. Since Personal Computers use faster processors, they can calculate faster.

How does the early computer developed into a modern computer?

Computers have evolved through the years from simple, room-sized calculators to machines capable of trillions of computations every second. Along with shrinking equipment size, computers have exponentially increased in computing power.

What does computer savvy?

It means you know how to use computers, maybe better than the average person. Example: a person who can use a computer in a manner that seems almost natural, and they don't have to ask questions about how to do things on the computer is computer savvy.

How do hotels use computers to do room reservations?

they have someone to programt their computers using something like micrsoft Access, where they have to put in their rooms and the information about that room. When someone makes a reservation they simple put their information in the computer with whatever room the computer tells them they have open.

Where can one find simple information on computer hardware?

You can find simple information on computer hardware at the Simple English Wikipedia. Once on the page, type "Computer hardware" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

What is networking in computing?

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Why are computers used at the bank?

The computer is a calculation machine is create all transaction and calculate the all query easily so that all are banks is used to the computer because this is a very simple technology.