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Seeking shelter in a basement or crawl space beneath a house with a cinder block foundation during a tornado is generally not recommended due to the potential risks from flying debris, structural collapse, and flooding. It is safer to move to an interior room on the lowest level of the house, such as a bathroom or closet, away from windows and exterior walls. If possible, it is best to have a designated storm shelter or safe room that is built to withstand extreme weather events.

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Q: Sinder block foundation on your house is it safe to go under the house if a tornado comes?
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A tornado comes from a type of storm called a rotating thunderstorm, but is not a storm, itself.

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Generally the funnel cloud comes first.

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Tornado comes from the spanish word tronada, which comes from the latin word tonare to thunder. This may also have been combined with the Spanish word tornar, which means to turn.

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The highest tornado activity in Montana is in June, though July comes pretty close.

What culture does the word tornado come from?

The word tornado comes from the Spanish word "tronada" meaning "thunderstorm" and tornar meaning "to turn".