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Q: Six more states secede and Lincoln takes office fort Sumter remains one of two southern forts under union control?
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What year did six more states secede and Lincoln takes office. Fort Sumter remains one of two southern forts under union control?


What would be considered an IMMEDIATE cause of the southern attack on Fort Sumter?

the election of Abraham Lincoln

What did President Lincoln do when the Confederacy seized Fort Sumter?

Established a naval blockade around the Southern states

Why did the confederacy want the fort Sumter?

The confederacy of the southern states wanted Fort Sumter to have a foot hold on the harbors. The confederacy held possession of Fort Sumter until February 1865, when the North came in and raised the Northern states flag and regained control of Fort Sumter.

Is fort Sumter a museum?

Fort Sumter was a fort back when Lincoln was president.

Why did Lincoln decide not to send armed troops to Fort Sumter?

In 1860, Lincoln was elected President. Not one single southern ... seven southern states seceded1 from the union.

What were Lincoln's choices in regard to fort Sumter?

his choise's were to resuply Fort Sumter

What four states joined America after the attack on fort Sumter?

After the surrender of Fort Sumter in April of 1861, President Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to serve for three months and end the Southern rebellion. After Lincoln's announcement, the southern slave states of Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina joined the Confederacy.

What was the conflict at Fort Sumter South Carolina?

The Federal fort, Fort Sumter was located in the Charleston harbor in South Carolina. Southern forces attacked Fort Sumter, and the commander of the fort surrendered. This conflict led to US President Lincoln to ask for volunteers to serve for 3 months.

Did Lincoln get elected before or after the battle of fort Sumter?

Before. It was Lincoln's decision to resupply the fort. When he informed the South that he was resupplying it, they attacked Fort Sumter!

Why did Lincoln send a ship to fort Sumter in April?

Lincoln sent a ship to Fort Sumter in 1861 because the troops needed food and supplies.

What happened when lincoln became president?

Southern states secede from the union and then the Civil War began.