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There were many skilled horsemen that were nomads. This could include the Mongols,Native American tribes, the Huns, and many others.

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Q: Skilled horse riders who were nomads?
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Skillled horse riders who were nomads?

The skilled horse riders who were nomads were mosveans.

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There are hundreds of thousands of French horse riders.

What is a word for horse riders?

Horse riders in competition are "equestrians", just atop a horse is the adjective "mounted".

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Many of the Tibetan nomads are shepherds and horse breeders. Most of the Tibetans are farmers who exchange their produce at fairs and horse festivals.

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they were able to defeat the inca and the aztec because the spanish had more tecnology such as great guns and they were skilled horse riders. plus they had diseases that wiped out most of them.

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at the front

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The horse knows how to be a horse if we will leave him alone... but the riders don't know how to ride. What we should be doing is creating riders and that takes care of the horse immediately. ~ Charles de Kunffy

What do you call a riders leather on a horse?

the Seattle

Are horse riders gay?

This question is offensive.

Who where very skilled horse riders?

You guys are suppose to answer it for us but we are the ones answering it for you Your the only website that I can trust but when I saw this again I gave up because we're the one answering it and your not plus some of your answers are wrong

what gangs are in washington?

andidos, Hombres, Amigos, Destralos, Canyon Riders, Unforgiven, Warriors, Brother Speed, Free Souls, Ghost Riders, Gypsy Jokers, Hells Angels, Nomads, Resurrection, Iron Horseman, Mongols, and Outsiders.

What was life as a cowhand like?

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