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There isextension of brain in neck, thorax and abdomen in what is called as vertebral column. You have seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae and five lumber vertebrae fallowed by sacrum.In between them, you have inter-vertebral disc and various ligaments. Which keep them in position. In the hollow part of these vertebrae, there is spinal cord. It extends to the lower border of second lumber vertebrae. Down to it, there is bundle of nerves called as cauda-equina.

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Q: Small bones protecting the spinal cord?
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What if your spinal cord is protected by bones called?

The spinal cord is protected by the vertebrae.

What bones protect the nervous system?

The small bones that protect the nerve cord are the vertebrae.

What bones protects spinal cord?

The spinal cord is protected by the vertebral column or spinal column. The vertebral column is a collection of individual bones called vertebrae that encase and protect the spinal cord. The vertebral column is divided into three parts: seven cervical (neck) vertebrae at the top, twelve thoracic vertebrae in the midback, and five lumbar vertebrae in the lower back. Below the lumbar vertebrae, but not protecting the spinal cord, are the sacrum and coccyx (tailbone).

The spinal cord is compose of?

The spinal cord is made up of bundles of nerve fibers. It runs down from the brain through a canal in the center of the bones of the spine. These bones protect the spinal cord. Like the brain, the spinal cord is covered by the meninges and cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid.

What is the column at the back of the body?

The spinal column is a series small bones that helps support the body and surrounds the spinal cord which has nerve links from the cord to various parts of the body and leading back to the brain.

Is the spinal cord made out of bone?

The human spinal cord is protected by the bony spinal column. The spinal column is made up of bones called vertebrae. The spinal cord itself is made of neurons, similar to the brain itself.

What system is the vertebrae a part of?

the skeletal system. the spinal column is made up of bones that protect the spinal cord called vertebrae

What action does the spinal cord do?

The spinal cord is like the paint and walls of a house. The spinal cord holds everything together and it can be really dangerous if you break your spinal cord. One way to feel your spinal cord is press down on the back of your neck and you'll feel weirdly shaped bones.

How many bones are in the spinal cord?

The vertebrae

Is the spinal cord the same thing as the backbone?

The spinal cord is made up of nerve tissue. This is a thick bundle of neurons that runs through the spinal canal or the vertebral column. The vertebral column is the tower of vertebral bones typically called the "spine" by laymen. The spine is in fact the amalgamation of the two. In other words the spine is the vertebral column with the nervous spinal cord running through it.

What bones keep your spinal cord safe?

it is called the joint

How many bones cover the brain and spinal cord?