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Small sacs containing cell products that can be transported in the cell is


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Q: Small sacs containing products that can be transported in the cell?
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What Small sacs containing cell products that can be transported in the cell?


WHAT ARE Small sacs containing cell products that can be transported in the cell?


What Small sac containing cell products that can be transported in the cell?

Little sacs that carry molecules are known as vesicles.

What are small sacs that contain cell products that can be be transported?


Why should materials be transported in and out of the cell?

Well if the cell is to grow it needs food to come in and wast products to go out.

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A small vessel or vesicle inside a cell containing enzymes is called a lysosome.

What role does active transport play in cell function?

Active transport is important for cell function as, various activities keep taking place such as manufacture of protein, fat, etc. For all these activities raw materials are needed which need to be transported to the various cell organelles. Also, the waste products too need to be transported out of the cell body.

Why is it important for blood to be delivered to every cell in your body?

Blood is a transport fluid. It mainly transports oxygenated blood (blood containing oxygen) from the heart around the body to every cell. Carbon dioxide, which is a waste produced in cellular respiration, is removed from the cell into the blood, and replaced with oxygen. The carbon dioxide is then transported in deoxygenated blood (blood containing carbon dioxide) towards the heart and lungs (through veins) to be expelled from the body. So basically, blood must be delivered to cells in the body to supply oxygen for cellular activities, supply essential nutrients to the cell, and remove waste products (such as carbon dioxide) from the cell.

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How do the products of photosynthesis are transported in the plant?

There are veins in the plants. The sugars and starches travel through veins and osmosis. The osmosis is the absorption and release through the cell wall. This passes waste and food from one cell to the next.