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Q: Sodium and chlorine atoms combine readily because they both tend to lose electrons true of false?
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Sodium and chlorine atoms combine readily because they both tend to lose electrons.?


Why does chlorine act readily?

The ionic an electrons .

Why does chlorine readily accept another electron?

Chlorine readily accepts another electron because it just needs to gain one more e- to complete its outer shell of valence electrons. Once chlorine's outer shell is filled, the element becomes more stable. Chlorine's whole family of elements (F, Cl, Br, I) all readily accept one more electron.

Why does argon not combine readily with other elements?

Argon is a noble gas with a full outer electron shell, making it highly stable and unreactive. This stability prevents it from easily forming chemical bonds with other elements.

Why chlorine does not readily combine with nitrogen gas?

Chlorine does not readily combine with nitrogen gas because nitrogen gas is relatively unreactive due to its strong triple bond between nitrogen atoms. This bond is difficult to break, making it challenging for chlorine to react with nitrogen gas. Additionally, chlorine tends to form more stable compounds with elements like metals rather than with nonmetals like nitrogen.

What elements readily accept electrons?

Halogens such as fluorine, chlorine, and oxygen readily accept electrons due to their high electronegativity. Transition metals can also readily accept electrons due to their ability to form stable ions with a partially filled d subshell.

Why do sodium and chlorine form an ionic bond so readily?

Because a sodium atom loses its outer electron very readily, and a chlorine atom gains one very readily. Thus they are a perfect match for one another.

Metals combine easily with nonmetals?

Metals and nonmetals combine easily because of the difference in their electron arrangements. Metals lose electrons easily, while nonmetals gain electrons readily to achieve a stable electron configuration. This transfer of electrons allows them to form ionic bonds, resulting in the formation of compounds.

How many neutrons does chloride have?

Chlorine atom has 17 electrons. It is readily accepting an electron from another atom to obtain its stable electron configuration (of argon). A chloride ion has 18 electrons.

Where is chlorine located in body?

Chlorine is very active element. It readily combine with any organic matter. So you do not find free chlorine in your body. You find the chlorine as sodium chloride out side the cells. You find double amount of chlorine in, potassium chloride, that is present inside the cells.

Sodium and chloride ions combine readily because they both tend to lose?


Sodium and chlorine atoms combine readily because they both tend to lose electrons true or false?

both, since both are one electron short of a stable octet, hence why both are reactive elements. Bond formation is favoured with other elements, though the natural states of the elements are different, group one and seven will b0nd preferentially if poossible.