

Sodium is a alkaline metal why?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Sodium is a alkaline metal why?
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What is the family name for sodium?

Sodium is not a living thing. and hence, no family. but it belongs to the alkaline earth metals. Sodium is an Alkaline metal. The Alkaline Earths are the next column over.

Is Na an alkaline?

yes sodium is a alklaine metal it belong to the alkaline metal group

Is magnesium more reactant than sodium?

Not it's not. Sodium is an Alkaline Metal, and Magnesium is an Alkaline Earth Metal, therefore Sodium is more reactant than Magnesium. It is because Alkaline Metals are more reactant than Alkaline Earth Metals.

Names of sodium's family members?

Sodium is not a living thing. and hence, no family. but it belongs to the alkaline earth metals. Sodium is an Alkaline metal. The Alkaline Earths are the next column over.

Does sodium belong in the alkaline earth family?

Sodium is an alkali metal - group 1 of the periodic table.

Is sodium a halogen a noble gas a alkali metal or a alkaline earth metal element?

It is located, in the periodic table, with the metalloids. However, it is a transition metal.

What is the compound formula of sodium acid?

Sodium is a highly reactive alkaline metal. I do not think that there is any stable form of a sodium acid.

What type of element is soduim?

Alkaline Metal

Is Na an alkaline metal?

Yes na/Sodium is an alkali metal. All metals in group 1 are alkalis.

Which of the alkaline metals potassium lithium rubidium or sodium has the highest electronegativity?

This metal is rubidium.

What pair of symbols represents an alkaline metal and a halogen?

For example sodium chloride, NaCl: the chemical symbols of sodium and chlorine.

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Group 2 (alkaline earth metals): lithium, sodium, potassium, caesium, rubidium, francium.