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Sodium will lose 1 electron in its compounds.

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Q: Sodium should gain 7 or lose its outer electrons?
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How can you get an ion of bromine?

Bromine has 7 electrons in its outer shell and needs to gain one electron to have a full outer shell and become an ion. It will gain this electron from an atom that has one electron in its outer shell such as Lithium or Sodium.

Does sodium not lose or gain electrons?

Sodium lose electrons becoming a cation.

How many electrons does sulfur gain to achieve noble gas electron configuration?

A Sulfur atom has initially 6 electrons in its outer shell. To have a complete octet, meaning 8 electrons in the outer shell, it should gain 2 electrons, to form an S2- ion.

An element that has two outer electrons seeks to gain six more?

An element that has two outer electrons is carbon. Carbon would not use the energy to gain six more electrons when it can easily get rid of the two outer electrons.

Why is the charge of an sodium ion is plus 1 but chlorine ion is -1?

Because atoms like to have a full outer shell - a sodium (1+) ion previously had 1 electron in it's outer shell, but it loses a (negatively charged) electron to gain a +1 charge. Chlorine, however, usually has 7 electrons in it's outer shell, but it gains a (negatively charged) electron to gain a -1 charge. Remember; gaining electrons = negative ions losing electrons=positive ions

Will sodium gain or lose electrons?

Sodium will lose 1 electron to form a sodium ion.

Why does oxygen change to oxide when combined with sodium?

When nonmetallic elements gain electrons to fill their outer electron blocks in a compound, they change to "ide". Chlorine becomes chloride, carbon to carbide, and oxygen to sodium oxide.

How does the octet rule determine the lose or gain of electrons by representative elements?

Representative elements will gain or loose electrons until the atom has 8 electrons in its outer most shell or ( outer most electron level).

What is the name of electrons in the outer most shell that an atom can gain lose or share with another atom?

Electrons in the outer most shell are called Valence Electrons.

Why doesn't the sodium atom gain 7 electrons so that its third shell becomes the filled outermost shell?

Atoms with 1 electron on outer shell loses the electron more easily.Atoms with 7 electrons on outer shell gain an electron more easily.Metal and non-metals bond ionically, so one loses electrons; one gains electrons. So everything is going towards that outcome.

How many electrons are needed to fill the outer shell of sodium?

Two electrons are needed to fill the outer shell of a sodium atom. The outer shell for sodium is the 3s sublevel. A neutral sodium atom has one electron in its 3s sublevel. Since atoms undergo chemical bonding in order to gain a noble gas electron configuration, called an octet, sodium atoms will lose their single 3s electron, becoming sodium atoms with a 1+ charge. By doing this, sodium ions become isoelectric with the noble gas neon, and achieve an octet, becoming stable.

Why do atoms gain or share electrons?

Because they don't have a full outer shell of electrons, 2,8,8,18