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Q: Soft white fibrous tissue under the outer rind of fruit?
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What is the medical term meaning fibrous sheet that covers body under the skin?

Dermatofibroma is a fibrous tumor of the skin. It is a very common benign growth.

Why is the pain worse after removal of outer layer of a blister?

The tissue under the outer layer has many, many nerve endings which are very touchy.

What is fibrous dysplasia?

I have Fibrous Dysplasia myself . It is not painful or deadly its just extra fiber i guess you could say, around you mouth mine is at my right cheek bone sorta under my eye but its not that big. Fibrous Dysplasia is a disease of the bone which gets replaced by fibrous tissue causing bone pain, swelling, deformity and can cause fractures. The exact cause is not known.

Why are the UFC fighters ears like that?

It's called "Cauliflower Ear". It is a condition that occurs when the external portion of the ear suffers a blow, blood clot or other collection of fluid under the perichondrium. This separates the cartilage from the overlying perichondrium that supplies its nutrients, causing it to die and resulting in the formation of fibrous tissue in the overlying skin. As a result, the outer ear becomes permanently swollen and deformed, resembling a cauliflower.

Why is the pain worse after removing the outer layer of the blister?

It hurts because a blister is a wound, and when you remove the outer layer you are irritating it. It is best to leave it alone, because in addition to pain, there is also a risk of scarring.

What is the insulating material called under skin?

Adipose tissue is the fat layer under the skin and then muscular tissue.

What type of tissue is exocrine glands classified under?

epithelial tissue

Why is there connective tissue directly under the top tissue of your skin?

Connective tissue is in the Dermis which is the secons layer of skin.

How do UFC fighters get colly flower?

Cauliflower ear (complication of hematoma auris, perichondrial hematoma, or traumatic auricular hematoma)[1] is a condition that occurs when the external portion of the ear suffers a blow, blood clot or other collection of fluid under the perichondrium. This separates the cartilage from the overlying perichondrium that supplies its nutrients, causing it to die and resulting in the formation of fibrous tissue in the overlying skin. As a result, the outer ear becomes permanently swollen and deformed, resembling a cauliflower.

Can New cardiac muscle cells replace cardiac muscle cells?

Cardiac myocytes (heart muscle cells) do not regenerate. They can get bigger (hypertrophy), but new cells are not made under normal circumstances. This means that when you have a heart attack or another injury to the heart and cardiac cells die, they are replaced by fibrous scar tissue which does not contract like normal heart tissue does.

How does electricity affect fruit?

fruit sitting under electricity such as light causes the fruit to melt

Is the outer core is under low pressure?

no, it is under extreme pressure