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Q: Software designed to help you get work done is called user files?
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Does encryption apply only to files and not folders?

Encryption can be done on documents and files. There are also major software that support folder encryption. Try using the ones that have tried and tested like Axcrypt and Data Protecto.

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They will have done market research to find out what people wanted. They will have designed the hardware it needs to work. They will have developed the software that goes with it. There you have it, the iPod!

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Source Code Escrow is the term used for depositing the source code of software with a third party (escrow) agent. This is done to ensure maintenance of the software even if the original company who licensed the software files for bankruptcy or fails to maintain the software in any way.

What is the principle of Equivalence of Hardware and Software?

anything that can be done with hardware can also be done with software and anything done with software can also be done with hardware.

Can deleted files be recovered?

i would go to a local pc repair/recovery store. we have done that in the past plus there is software that can help recover lost files. there is a way to recover them unless the hard drive has completely fried

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Anything that can be done with Software can also be done with hardwa re, and anything that can be done in hardware can also be done with software...

What is the importance of the Principle of Equivalence of Hardware and Software?

Anything that can be done with Software can also be done with hardwa re, and anything that can be done in hardware can also be done with software...

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Software like Sage Customer Relationship Management or CRM, is designed to help businesses. This is done by helping to provide solutions in these areas to businesses, like helping with cloud services and marketing.

What came first software or hardware?

Severely, severely, severely oversimplifying it... The hardware does the actual work, consuming power as it does it. The software tells the hardware what work to do, when to do it, and in what order it should be done.

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You can you they will give you a program to be able to help other files with the taxes. They will also help you organize many things and flies you need done.

What is the name for putting images from a digital camera to a computer called?

Depending on how it is being done it might be called: downloading, syncing, transferring, copying files, etc.