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Each person has two alleles of one particular gene, which controls one particular characteristic, such as a person's blood group. An allele may be either dominant, recessive, or codominant. A dominant allele would dominate the other allele in the chromosomes, meaning only the dominant allele would contribute to an organism's characteristics. An example of this is the A blood group, which is dominant to the O allele. However, if an individual has both A and B alleles, A and B are codominant, as they both exhibit effects on an organism's characteristics (the blood group). This results in an AB blood group - a combination of the effects of two genes!

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Q: Some alleles are neither dominant or recessive and many traits are controlled by what?
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When the alleles of a gene pair are expressed differently but neither is dominant to the other?

Codominance means that neither allele can mask the expression of the other allele. An example in humans would be the ABO blood group, where alleles A and alleles B are both expressed.

How would you write an allele that is heterozygous?

Representing heterozygote allele characteristics depends on the nature of the heterozygote.If one of the alleles is dominant, and the other recessive, the genotype is written as Aa - where the capital letter (A) represents the dominant allele, and the lower case letter (a) represents the recessive allele. The dominant (upper case) allele is always written first.However, the genotype cannot be written in this way if both alleles are codominant (neither one is dominant or recessive). In this case, the convention is to choose a letter to refer to the flower-color-locus as a whole. You would then add different superscript letters to denote the different alleles.For example, you could choose the letter A to refer to the flower-color-locus, and then choose C and D as the two co-dominant alleles. This genotype would be written as ACAD.

What is a condition in which both alleles for a gene are fully expressed?

both the alleles are expressed when the alleles are co-dominent, which means neither is dominant or recessive and cannot be masked. SOme examples are blood type. Type AB blood type is one co-dominent allele for a (Ia) and one for b (Ib).

Is unibrow dominant or recessive?

its neither. its a learned skill. i can do it, and i learned to by holding one eyebrow up, with my finger, and learning to adapt from that. you use muscle in your face when you do it. if you want to learn, wrinkle your forehead that will help you.

What are 3 principals of gentics?

six basic principles of genetics are....Traits, or characteristics, are passed on from one generation of organisms to the next generationThe traits of an organism are controlled by genesOrganisms inherit genes in pairs, one gene from each parentSome genes are dominant, whereas other genes are recessiveDominant genes hide recessive genes when both are inherited by an organismSome genes are neither dominant nor recessive. These genes show incomplete dominancesource: i got this from my textbook.....and im in 7th grade. the txtbook is called Prentice Hall Exploring Life Science

Related questions

What is it when an allele is neither dominant nor recessive?

this is called codominance when alleles are neither dominant or recessive.

If the alleles are neither dominant or recessive what happens?

If neither are Dominant Or Recessive then its called co dominance or spuedo - dominance

Alleles are neither dominant nor recessive?


How is it possible to have neither allele dominant?

You have two recessive alleles

Why some chromosomes are recessive and the others are domainent?

Actually a chromosome consists of many genes/alleles and is neither recessive or dominant in and of itself.

When neither gene in a genotype pair is dominant and neither gene is recessive the genes are said to be .?

Incomplete dominant alleles.

What is it called when the alleles are neither dominant nor recessive?

Incomplete Dominance.

When neither allele is dominant what are they expressed as?

Both of the alleles must be recessive. The trait expressed is a recessive trait.

What controls the traits of alleles that are neither dominant nor recessive?

this is called codominance

What do you call a condition in which neither two alleles of a gene is dominant or recessive?


What is codominance?

It's like incomplete dominance, but instead of one allele not being completely dominant for a trait, both alleles for that specific trait are dominant.A condition in which neither of two alleles of a gene is dominant nor recessive

When neither allele is dominant (they are both expressed)?

Both of the alleles must be recessive. The trait expressed is a recessive trait.