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no. the point of athiesm is that there is no god let a lone a soul

If you mean by soul , something that lives after our bodies die , then I would agree 100% with the answer above. However to say that atheists are 'soul-less ' in the sense of character would be wrong. In fact most of the people I know who are atheists have a pronounced sense of joi de vivre ( joy of life ) precisely because they know that there is no place that 'soul ' or 'essence of life ' will go to when we die , so when best to use it if not in this life that we are so lucky to be living. I believe that a soul is the essence of a being, unlike the answer above. i believe that it is what makes a person who they are. It is their personality, their sense of self. I dont see it in a religious sense. I also think that people generalize athiests when they shouldn't. I am an athieist because I do not believe in god or heaven and hell, but that does not mean that my opinions on things such as souols and afterlives are the same as every other athiest out there.

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Q: Some atheists believe that they have a soul?
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