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Q: Some caterpillars look like small snakes and will even strike out like a snake when threatened by a predator. This is an example of .?
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Do snakes eat caterpillars?

No snakes do no teat caterpillars. They eat mice,rats,bunnys, and other animals like that.

Define predator prey?

A Predator Prey is what pedators eat. For example: a snake eats a little rat (the snake is the PREDATOR and the rat is the predator or snakes PREY)

Do caterpillars turn into snakes?


Does a bullfrog have a predator?

When they are young they're threatened by snakes, turtles, fish and birds, and as they get older they still have to worry about larger animals such as Great Blue Herons and Raccoons.

Why do some harmless snakes like to copy the signals of dangerous snakes?

When some harmless snakes feel threatened they will try to scare off what ever is scaring them. For example, the ringneck snake is totally harmless, but when threatened it will first show off its bright belly, and then bite savagely.

What is a snakes predator?

Birds of Prey, other snakes.

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birds and snakes

How does a snake approach a predator?

Each type of snakes has a unique type to approach a predator. For example anacondas wait for their prey to come closer to then they will catch them. Spitting cobras will spit venom on its prey and kill them and so many techniques are there for each type of snakes.

Do snakes have predators?

Snakes have many enemies. Large birds, wild boars, mongooses, raccoons, foxes, coyotes and even other snakes are a few of the dangers snakes fall prey to. Many people find it surprising that the largest and the scariest snakes can be afraid of anything.

Do sea snakes hide from its predator?


Are all snakes aggresive?

Nope - most snakes will only be aggressive if they feel threatened.

What can live with a dwarf rabbit?

With Another Dwarf Rabbit nothng that is its Natural Predator. Example snakes, sometimes Dogs, Cats, basically NO Canivores