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hot spots

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Q: Some volcanoes form over thin places in earths crust called?
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What is a thin place on Earths crust called where a volcanoes can form?

HOTSPOTS are a place on the earth's crust in the middle of a tectonic plate where volcanoes get formed rapidly.

How were volcanoes created in California?

from the earths crust pushing together

What does most of your knowledge about Earths interior crust come from?

The study of volcanoes,

Where are most earthquakes and volcanoes found on?

A fault line in the earths crust

Why Are Volcannoes Found Where They Are?

majority of valcanoes follow the edges of the tectonic plates, which are the weaker parts of earths crust, therefore volcanoes form durin the crust giving away to the pressure built up. other volcaoes form other places due to weak parts of earths crust

What forms valcanoes?

most volcanoes are formed from a hot spot in the earths crust.

How do volcanoes takes place?

Volcanoes are essentially holes in the earths surface through which magma and lava can erupt. when pressure builds up below the earths crust, magma is then forced violently out of the volcanoes.

What is a melted rock that can ooze out from below the earths surface through a crack in the crust is called a?

it is just called molten rock, and it comes out of the Earths crust via volcanoes. you can also say that its melted lava

Why volcanoes are commonly found of the edges of earths moving plate?

This is where the weaknesses in the earths crust lie and it is the easiest place for lava to spew out of these weaker areas, therefore forming volcanoes

What part of the world are volcanoes part of?

volcanoes are holes of the earths crust that are forced up to cause a volcano so volcanoes take up all of the world

What is sections of the earths crust called?

what what

What is melted rock on the earths is called?

Lava....when its under the earths crust its called magma.