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Some whales use huge baleen plates to collect their food. These plates keep the tiny krill inside the whales' mouths while letting them squeeze out excess water.

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Q: Some whales use these to collect food?
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What plate do some whales use to collect food?

Some whales collect food with a plate called a baleen. See the Related Link listed below for more information:

What type of plate do whales use to collect food?

Full plate

What plate do whales use to collect food?

Baleen plates - which are made out of a protein called keratin. Baleen whales have several hundred baleen plates that they use to filter their food from the sea water.

How do gray whales get their food?

Some whales use filter feeders.

How do humans use whales?

they use them for food or some people just like killing whales

How blue whales get their food?

They use their giant mouths.

What are whales used for?

Whales are primarily hunted for food. Some cultures use the whale's blubber for oil as well. More whales are hunted in Japan than in any other country.

What is a blue whales teeth made out of?

Baleen is the fibers that Whales that have teeth are toothed whales and their teeth are called teeth. Baleen whales don't have teeth. They have tooth like plates similar to fingernails.Read more use to filter their food out of water

Why do whales eat ktill?

Whales, that are filter feeders, use baleen plates to sieve their main food of krill.

Can you use the word baleen in a sentence?

Whales use their baleen to filter food out of the water.

Do humpback whales use jaws to chew food?

Humpback Whales don't have teeth. They just swallow everything they eat.

What is happening to the whales?

They're being hunted for use as dog food as you read this.