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Swastika is the name for the sign of the Nazi's. Many people at my shchool have been also randomly shouting out this word. I myself am not Jewish, but I do find it offensive. People just say it to say it, as far as we know there are no more actual Nazi people. As well as there will not be another act such as the one Hitler pulled.

Swastika is also a name meaning "beautiful" in some language. <I don't remember what language, though>. I had a friend named Swastika, who we had to call "Swasty" because of what a "swastika" was.

-It also means 'lucky charm'.

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Q: Someone shouted out the word 'swastika' randomly today I was baffled what does it mean has it taken on a new meaning in today's society?
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Was the swastika invented by Adolf Hitler?

No. The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been used for over 3,000 years, most often to suggest life and good luck. The meaning was changed following the Nazi use of it.

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It depends largely on who has the tattoo. If it is being worn by a white supremacist than it probably is a designation of white supremacy and/or Nazism. If it's being worn by someone who looks more like a hippie than a Nazi, then it is probably more symbolic of the original meaning of the swastika, which had nothing to do with Nazis or white supremacy. This is because in many Eastern faiths and cultures (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) the swastika was and still is a symbol of peace and luck. Contrary to modern propaganda, the swastika was not invented by the Nazis, nor was it originally meant to be a symbol of hate. Unfortunately, one idiot with a bad mustache thought it would be a cool symbol to promote hatred, and now most Western cultures associate swastikas with hate.

How old is the swastika?

The swastika can be dated back to about 3,000 years ago but some scientists believe it is over 10,000 years old. Originally it met life, sun, power, strength, and good luck. Even Native Americans used the Swastika and because of this the 45th Infantry Division (U.S.A) even had the swastika as there emblem during WW1 but was changed when the Nazi party used the emblem. Now days the swastika symbolizes hate, anti-Semitism, violence, death, and murder although this is not it's true meaning.

Does receive and except mean the same thing?

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