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While it is not harassment to seek the return of property that is legitimately yours, continuing to call someone that refuses to return the property is not going to resolve the issue.

If this person refuses to return the property, you should file suit in civil court for the return of the property. (Small claims court may apply, depending on the property and the jurisdiction.)

Additional: Also, under the criminal statutes of your jurisdiction, and depending on the "property" being claimed, you may also have grounds to report them to law eenforcement for a criminal offense 'wrongfully converting property belonging to another to their own use,' (or similar wording).

CAUTION: Do NOT expect law enforcement to become embroiled in any civil dispute over items personal property.

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Q: Someone will not return my property so I keep contacting the person she accuses me of harassment and stalking her I am not interested in her am I in the wrong?
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