

Something which cannot be seen?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Something which cannot be seen?
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What is Something that cannot be seen with the eyes alone?

Something that connot be seen with the eyes alone is a protist??

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What do you mean by concealed from view?

cannot be seen as there is something concealing/hiding/blocking it.

What is the noun for major?

An abstract noun names something that cannot be seen or touched.

Is invisible a noun?

No, "invisible" is an adjective that describes something that cannot be seen.

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Why do scientific use scientific models?

to look at something that cannot be seen with the human eye

What is the abstract noun for major?

An abstract noun names something that cannot be seen or touched.

What is a word for something that you think exists but you have never seen it?

The word you may be looking for is "faith." Faith is a believing trust in something which cannot be seen, though you may see the effect of it. For example: no one can see gravity. We know it exists. We study it. We see the evidence of it, but gravity itself cannot be seen.

Can matter be something you cannot see explain?

Yes, matter can be something that you can not see. This is because one form of matter is gas, which can not be seen.

What is something everyone can see but only if you lose it?

The loss of one's TEMPER. It cannot be seen until we lose it.

Are black holes pretty?

NO, to see something you have to be able to intercept light reflected from that thing's surface. Black holes have an escape velocity greater than the sped of light so there is no reflected light and they cannot be seen. If they cannot be seen they cannot be pretty ... or ugly.