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There is no better soporific and sedative than skepticism.-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Because he had watched so many movies the night before, Joey was soporific the next day during school.

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Q: Soporific in a sentence
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What is a sentence with soporfic in it?

The soporific effects of the medication helped me finally fall asleep after a restless night.

What is a compound sentence with soporific in it?

The movie was so boring, it had a soporific effect on the audience, and many people dozed off during the screening.

How do you use the word soporific?

The professor had a soporific voice and I fell asleep. Here it is used as an adjective, meaning the soporific voice made me sleepy.

Can you Give me a sentence with the word heat?

The heat from the log-fire was rather soporific, and my eyes began to feel heavy.

What does soporific have in common with liquid ammonium?

Ammonium is a radical, NH4, present in some kinds of ionic compounds; it does not have soporific properties.

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What is the meaning of soporific?

Causing sleep; tending to cause sleep; soporiferous; as, the soporific virtues of opium., A medicine, drug, plant, or other agent that has the quality of inducing sleep; a narcotic.

What do you call a liquid that makes you sleep?

Chloroform or Ether. ========================== Soporific Anesthetic

What are synonyms for anaesthetic?

painkiller, narcotic, sedative, opiate, anodyne, analgesic, soporific

How do you use the word sedative in a sentence?

sop·o·rif·icsop·o·rif·ic [sòppə ríffik, spə ríffik]adj1.making somebody sleepy: causing sleep or drowsiness2.feeling sleepy: experiencing sleepiness or drowsiness3.tedious: dull and boringThe book he was reading acted as a soporific and soon he was fast asleep.

What would a soporific drug make you do?

Soporifics make you sleep or at least get drowsy.

Jake's speaking style put most of the older delegates to sleep within 15 minutes?
