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NIGG3RS, or placenta

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Q: Source of food for developing mammal?
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Where do developing embryos of animals get their food from?

If the animal comes from an egg it will get its nutrients from the yolk. If it is a mammal it will get it from the umbilical cord.

What in the amniote egg the is the primary food source for the developing embryo?


In the amniote egg the is the primary food source for the developing embryo?

It's a sack and not an egg but the primary food source, the only one, is the placenta and the nutrients go via the umbilical cord.

What is a fetuses?

A developing mammal inside of the mother.

How does developing chick nowrish itself while inside the eggshell?

A developing chick nourishes itself inside the eggshell through the egg yolk. This is the chicks source of food.

What do you cal it when a mammal is developing in its mother?

I believe it is called an embryo

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Why is there a yolk inside an egg?

An egg yolk is the part of an egg which serves as the food source for the developing embryo inside.

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A mammal embryo is the developing baby inside the mother.

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Gilbert's Potoroo is a small mammal which lives in Western Australia in a restricted habitat, with a restricted food source. It was believed to be extinct from the early 1900s, but its recent rediscovery has led to the development of a recovery plan.

An animal that keeps it developing young in its body until birth to live is called?

A placental mammal.

Is a rabbit an exotherm or endotherm?

A rabbit is a mammal, and as such it is an endotherm. He produces his own heat from the energy he gets from his food, and has no need of an extern source like the sun or a radiating lightbulb.