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Q: Sparta used what to control its citizens?
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What did Sparta use to controll its citizens?

The Spartans focused on military skills to control the people they conquered.People they conquered were not citizens. They used the practice of ostracizing to get citizens to conform.

Why do you think they lived in Athens and not in Sparta?

Who is they. The citizens of Sparta lived in Sparta. The citizens of Athens lived in Athns. Each preferred their own city, which is why they were citizens of that city.

What is the government control of daily life in Sparta and Athens?

They were democracies, so the government responded to th citizens.

Is it in Sparta or in Athens that only men could be citizens of a polis?

in Sparta were only free men citizens?

Which had citizens as the upper class between Sparta and Athens?

Athens had citizens as the upper class Sparta's upper class was called equals not citizens.

What controlled citizens of Sparta?

An assembly of the Spartan citizens.

Who was an oligarchy in Sparta?

Sparta was not an oligarchy, it was a limited democracy. The council put major problems to the assembly of citizens. This was unavoidable as the army was comprised of the ordinary citizens, and they had to be consulted to keep them on-side.

Is Sparta a direct or representative democracy?

Neither. Sparta was an oligarchy where nobles of a certain rank had direct power of the citizens and non-citizens (helots) in Sparta. Citizens who were not from these noble families and non-citizens had no power to promote their views.You are likely thinking of Athens which was a direct democracy.

Was the Helots citizens of Sparta?

The Helots were not Spartan citizens ; they were essentially slaves .

What does Sparta control?

Sparta controls nothing

Did Sparta citizens enjoy traveling and visitors from other polis?

Sparta would not let its citizens travel to other cities unless they were fighting

How were non citizens treated in Sparta?

Not good