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Geographically, Sparta was the largest city-state, and all that land meant that many soldiers were needed to guard against pirates.

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Q: Spartan society was centered around the military and all citizens were required to be hardened soldiers Why did Sparta turn into a military culture?
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Spartan society was centered around military and all citizens were required to be hardened soldiers why did Sparta turn into a military culture?

Geographically, Sparta was the largest city-state, and all that land meant that many soldiers were needed to guard against pirates.

What were the military obligations of citizens in ancient Athens?

All adult males, when called out, were required to turn out equipped and with three days rations. This applied to both citizens and resident aliens.

Which statement is true of the Selective Service?

some citizens are required to register for it some people are obligated to register for it, but there is no military draft right now it is a system that will be used if there is a military draft in the future

Where was conscription?

Conscription is the required service of citizens in the military. It is often called the draft. Several nations still have conscription such as South Korea and Thailand.

Why is it good to have an army?

The military is required to allow the government to protect its citizens and defend its land. ----------------------- Sometimes people have the skills to be in the army and can help and protect its country.

Is it mandatory for citizens to join the military in Israel?

Yes. Israeli and Druze males are required to serve for three years, and femals must serve for two.

Which Greek city-state required strict military training of its male citizens?

All Greek city-states required their citizens to be trained in warfare and attend monthly drills as a means of an environment of ongoing fighting between the cities. As Sparta had a serf population which provided for the citizens, they did not have to work the land for subsistence and so could afford to do the training continuously.

How was the military run in Athens and Sparta?

All citizens were eligible for compulsory military service when called out. The citizens were required to complete part-time ilitary training. Generals were appointed to command the army and navy forces. Each warrior brought a serf or slave(s) with him to assist in domestic activities and to act as light infantryand bowmen.

What Greek city-states is best characterized as being a warrior society because of the intense military training its male citizens received?

All Greek city-states required their citizens to be available for their army and to train regularly. Sparta had a serf population which supported it, so they were able to devote much more time to military training.

Did senator and other wealthy people fight in the military?

All Roman senators and the upper classes and all citizens were required to be part of the military, being called out in defence of the city. They were also put through regular military training in the Field of Mars near the city. One of the assemblies which determined the a government issues was the Centuriate Assembly, which comprised the citizens assembling in the Field of Mars wearing their armour and weapons. Rome survived by all citizens being prepared to fight to defend their land and city, and expanded by using their citizens offensively to take other people's land.

Why did Athens become a non-mandatory military society?

It was a mandatory military society. All citizens were required to serve in the army and navy when called out, with their weapons, armour and 3 day's rations. The armoured warriors brought a slave with them to act as light infantry.

What are citizens Saudi Arabia required to do?

be a muslim