

Speech about the dangers of dengue?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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12y ago

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Dengue fever and some other dengue like viral fevers are increasing every year and this year incidence of these fevers are too high especially in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, India.

Upon searching on Google one would get detail information regarding Dengue fever thus here only some most important things, which common person should do to avoid mosquito borne diseases and prevention of viral disease occurring monsoon and winter season, management of such disease, and homeopathic treatment of dengue fever and other similar viral fevers occurring in monsoon and winter season given.

Prevention Of Mosquito Borne Disease:

1. Search out for collection of water in your home after rains and remove all things that can collect rainwater. Make a team of few people to do same things homes around your home. This search should be done at least twice monthly and should be started April or after each rainy days. This task is hard though must to be remain free from dengue and other mosquito born disease. Expecting these things from government are not good idea though some government has made rule to punish those home is favorable for mosquito breeding.

2. Inspect your cooler for water collection and larvae development. If possible do not use cooler as one cannot able to check it frequently.

3. Doors opening outside should have additional net-protected door which should close automatically i.e. net-protected door should remain close all the time to avoid any entry of mosquitos and flies. Mosquitos enters mainly in evening so at this time they doors and windows should be closed.

4. One should use mosquito sprays i.e. Mortin gold to kill mosquitos.

5. Camphor (Kapoor) should be placed in corners of house. Kapoor tends to vaporize on room temperature and mosquito do not like its smell and go away from there.

6. Mosquito protecting creams should be used if there are lots of mosquitos around.

7. Should sleep in mosquito-net especially when there is no electricity or fan running.

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anything basta about dengue lng nman...... adnerb........limad.......