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Q: Spotting for the past 3 days on birth control patch and your period isn't due for another 6 days?
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Is it normal to have brown spotting instead of a period when you're on birth control?

Hormonal birth control changes your menstrual bleeding. It's not unusual to have brown spotting instead of a regular period when you're on birth control.

Do you count spotting as the first day of the period?

No, spotting and breakthrough bleeding does not count as the first day of your period. Spotting and breakthrough bleeding is an annoyance that occurs as an unwanted side effect of birth control. However, frequent spotting or breakthrough bleeding can also be a sign that you need a higher dosage of birth control.

After you start birth control for the first time do you consider spotting the first day of your period or actual flowing the first day?

spotting is the beginning of what will be your period.

What do you do if you continued to use your birth control pill to stop your period and you are now spotting?

The spotting sounds like break through bleeding. You should never stop your period from arriving by taking birth control without consulting your gyn or doctor beforehand. See your DR about your spotting.

If your on birth control and your period its shorter but than you start spotting what does this mean?

its just a natural side effect of birth control, spotting can happen when the hormone levels in your body are changing and it might continue, or it could stop.

If spotting occurs for two weeks should I stop taking the birth control or will the spotting stop?

When you start birth control it is not unlikely to have spotting or breakthrough bleeding. This is a side effect that can last up to 3 months or longer. You should not stop taking your birth control because you will actually mess up your cycle and when you will have your period. You will also experience more spotting or breakthrough bleeding if you stop now. The spotting will go away,however, you should visit your physician to consider changing the dosage of birth control. Spotting and breakthrough bleeding usually stops when switched to a higher dosage of birth control.

Does missing your birth control cause spotting?

That depends on the pill, if it made your period stop, then I guess so.

Birth control and spotting? normal.

On birth control is it possible to get your period while taking the active pills or does it only come when you take the inactive ones?

No you will not get your period while taking the active pills only the inactive pills. You may have spotting. If this is bothersome contact your doctor and they may give you another birth control pill that will work better for you.

What does it mean if you spot during your period?

spotting is usually a sign of pregnancy. but it can also be a result from taking certain Birth Control.

Can you take birth control to start your period back up?

no. Birth control pills can stop periods altogether, shorten them, or turn them in to "spotting" If you were getting your period before you started the pills. If you stop at any time during your cycle this should bring on your period.

Spotting while taking the pill?

Very normal. Many woman have spotting when first starting the pill. It should stop after a month or so. You may stop having your period all together while on the pill. If the spotting doesn't stop I suggest talking to a doctor or switching to another birth control.