

Spring stiffness in theory of machines?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Spring stiffness in theory of machines?
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If the length of a spring is halved the stiffness becomes?

If the length of a spring is halved, the stiffness remains the same. Stiffness of a spring is determined by its material and construction, not by its length. Cutting the length in half does not change the material properties that govern stiffness.

What is the formula for spring stiffness?

The constant spring stiffness formula is the force applied to the spring equal to the stiffness times the distance it moved. F=kx. Depending on where your axis are, it could be negative.

What is spring-stiffness?

Spring stiffness is a property that relates load to deflection. Let k = stiffness and P = load and x = deflection, then P = kx The stiffer the spring, k, the smaller the deflection under a constant load. k can be measured for springs and otherdevices, such as beams, with simple load deflection devices or machines that measure deflection as function of laod

What is the Effect of spring stiffness on natural frequency?

Increasing the spring stiffness will result in a higher natural frequency. This is because a stiffer spring will require more force to displace it, leading to faster oscillations and a higher frequency. Conversely, decreasing the spring stiffness will lower the natural frequency of the system.

What is Stiffness of a helical spring?

a helical spring has N turns of coil of diameter D, and a second spring made of same material and of same wire diameter has N/2 turns of coil of diameter 2D. if stiffness of first spring is k, then stiffness of second spring is

How can you measure the stiffness of spring?

The stiffness of a spring can be measured by calculating its spring constant, which is the force required to deform the spring by a certain distance. This can be done by applying a known force to the spring and measuring the resulting displacement, then using Hooke's Law (F = kx) to determine the spring constant. Another method is to measure the frequency of oscillation of the spring when subjected to a known mass, as the stiffness is inversely proportional to the period squared.

If a certain spring stretches 4cm when a load of 10N is suspended from it how much will the spring stretch if it is cut in half and 10N is suspended from it?

If the spring is cut in half, its stiffness will increase and it will stretch less for the same load. The new stretch will depend on the new stiffness of the spring. Without knowing the exact stiffness of the original spring and the new one, it is difficult to determine the exact stretch without calculations.

How Stiffness of spring measure?

it the ratio of load applied on the displacement of spring.. stiffness=load/change in length.

What actors and actresses appeared in Theory of Machines - 2010?

The cast of Theory of Machines - 2010 includes: Genevieve Navion

If length of spring is halved spring constant becomes?

The spring constant remains the same regardless of the length of the spring. It is a physical property of the spring material and design, representing its stiffness. Cutting the length of the spring in half will not change its spring constant.

What happens when you commpress a spring for a long time?

It may relax, or creep, meaning its stiffness is less

What is spring theory?

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