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Q: Starches are stored in muscles and liver in the form of?
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Where might you find glucose?

It is found in the bloodstream and stored in your liver and muscles in the form of glycogen.

The liver store glucose in what form?

Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles, and is second to fats as long-term energy storage.

When blood glucose levels are high and the glucose is not utilized for cellular respiration the human body will store this glucose in the liver and muscles in what form?

It is stored in the form of glycogen.

In what form is glucose stored in the human body?

Glucose is stored in the body as glycogen. Excess glucose in circulation is normally polymerized within the liver and muscles as glycogen, which is hydrolyzed to glucose as needed.

What is the common form of carbohydrate?

glucose is the common form of simple sugar

What is stored form of food in animals?

CArbohydrates and lipids are the major energy reserves for our body. CArbohydrate is stores as glycogen in liver and muscles whereas lipids are stored in the form of saturated fats like cholesterol.

What form of energy is stored in human muscles?

Chemical Energy.

The liver can supply the skeletal muscles with energy in the form of free glucose but the skeletal muscles cannot supply the liver with energy in the form of free glucose?

No. Unlike skeletal muscles, the liver contains an enzyme known as glucose 6-phosphatase that can remove the phosphate groups and produce free glucose.

Is Bile manufactured in the liver and stored in a concentrated form in the small intestine?


Where is a glycogen stored in human body?

Glycogen is stored in the cytosol of every cell, bound to water. The main store of glycogen in the human body is the liver. It is also stored, bound to water, in muscle cells where it provides a source of rapid energy during exercise.Glygcogen is a storage form for glucose which is found in the liver where it is formed from a glucose and from noncarbohydrate sources, such as amino acids and the glycerol portion of fats via gluconeogenesis. Another, and major glycogen store in terms of mass, is within skeletal muscles, where glycogen is stored so that there is a ready source of glucose for activity.

How is ATP created from stored energy in the body?

ATP isn't created. The law of conservation of energy tells us that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to the other. ATP is converted from glycogen to ATP. Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles.

What type of energy do muscle use and what form is it in?

Energy is stored as fat in the muscles.