

Step in a food chain or food web?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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food chain- grass->tipaklong->frog->snake->eagle->bacteria

The different steps or levels of a food chain or web are called "trophic levels." They can also be characterized as producers or consumers. The consumers can be characterized as first order, second order, tertiary, etc. And then there are the scavengers and decomposers.

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Each step in a food chain or food web?

trophic level

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Is each step in a food chain or food web called?

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the difference is that a food chain is smaller then a food web because a food web is more animals then a food chain

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what happens is that the energy that was to start with will be broken and half of that will go to continue the cycle because the energy that does not move on is being used by the producer, consumer or scavenger depending on which stage of the food chain or web it is on.

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every food web and food chain transfers into radient energy:)

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the food chain and food web has someone or something eating each other.

Why is bacteria in the last step of a food chain?

Bacteria is in the last step on a food chain because is a decomposer!!

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What does a food food chain or food web start with?

A food chain is different from a food web, but a food chain always starts with a producer (plant) and it ends with a decomposer. I don't think a food web has a beginning or end.