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Q: Strength and weakness of methods used to classify rocks?
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What are the characteristics Scientists use to classify rocks?

they classify the rocks by their texture and compisition

What is rocks weakness?


How do geologists classify metamorphic rock?

Geologists classify metamorphic rocks by the arrangements of the grains that make up the rocks.

How does the Rocks Cycle classify rocks?

All rocks are classfied as 1 of the following:Sedmintary Igneous and Metamorphic

Scientists classify rocks?

by carol and size

What are three groups into which geologists classify rocks?

Igneous rocks.Sedimentary rocks.Metamorphic rocks.

How do geologist classify a rock?

Geologists classify rocks by looking at their chemical and mineralogical composition then at the the size and shape of their component minerals then at any texture, pattern or grain that the rocks may display. They also classify them in relation to how they were formed.

Is color a good property to classify rocks?

It depends

How scientist classify rocks?

they look through a microscope

What three things are used to classify igneous rocks?

Color and texture is one way to classify igneous rocks. Another way to do this is modal classification and normative classification.

How do geologists classify igneous rock?

Geologists classify rocks by where they are formed; above ground or under ground

Do scientists classify rocks by their color?

yes,either felsic if light coloured or mafic if dark cloured.we classify rocks like that especially igneous rocks but COLOR IS NEVER USED TO IDENTIFY ANY ROCK.only classification.