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Homologous structures.

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Q: Structures that share a common ancestory or a similar because they are modified versions of structures from a common ancestor are?
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Structures that share a common ancestry or are similar because they are modified versions of structures from a common ancestor are?


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Yes, they do. The tendrils are slender, coiling, with modified stem structures.

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As vertebrates evolved, the same bones were sometimes put to different uses. Yet the bones are still seen, their presence betraying their evolutionary past. For example, the forelimbs of vertebrates are all homologous structures, that is, structures with different appearances and functions that all derived from the same body part in a common ancestor. You can see in figure 22.15 how the bones of the forelimb have been modified in different ways for different verterbates. Why should these very different structures be composed of the same bones? If evolution had not occurred, this would indeed be a riddle. But when we consider that all of these animals are descended from a common ancestor, it is easy to understand that natural selection has modified the same initial starting blocks to serve very different purposes.

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The structures that cover and protect the buds of a flower are known as sepals. These are essentially leaves that have been modified.

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