

Study of position and movement of stars and other celestial body?

Updated: 11/22/2022
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Q: Study of position and movement of stars and other celestial body?
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Celestial Mechanics. Or Astronomy

What science did the study of the night sky eventually become?

This study of science is called Astronomy; the study of the night sky, planets, galaxies, and other celestial objects.

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The navigation is a study that focuses on the process of controlling and monitoring the movement of a thing from one place to another. It has two branches; (1) is the celestial navigation that focuses on navigation using sun, moon, stars or other celestial bodies, and (2) is terrestrial navigation that is focused on navigation using terrestrial landmark such as lighthouses.

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Yes, relative to other celestial bodies. Indeed by observing common movement factors of these other galaxies, we may deduce the rate of movement of our home Milky Way galaxy.

What is astrogoly?

Study of celestial bodies or astronomical objectsadditional and attempting to predict the future or other outcomes from this data. Not concepts supported by science.

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Astronomy is the discipline in science that studies?

Astronomy started as the charting of the heavenly bodies but has since evolved into study of stars, galaxies and other stellar phenomena.

How did the Greeks study the stars?

The ancient Greeks developed instruments such as the armillary sphere to track the movement of objects in the plane of the celestial equator against the annual motion of the Sun. This basic device consisted of a set of graduated rings that represented important circles on the celestial sphere, such as the horizon, the celestial equator, the ecliptic, and the meridian. These rings formed a skeletal celestial sphere. A movable sighting arrangement allowed early astronomers to observe a celestial object and then read off its position using the markings on the relevant circles.Ptolemy and other Greek astronomers used the quadrant, a graduated quarter of a circle constructed to allow an observer to measure the altitude of celestial objects above the horizon. An astronomer would sight a target celestial object along one arm of the quadrant and then read off its elevation from a scale (from 0 to 90 degrees) with the help of a plumb line suspended from the center of the quarter circle. With this arrangement a celestial object just on the horizon would have an elevation of 0 degrees, while an object at zenith would have an elevation of 90 degrees.(will add more if i find out more)

How did the ancient Greeks study stars?

The ancient Greeks developed instruments such as the armillary sphere to track the movement of objects in the plane of the celestial equator against the annual motion of the Sun. This basic device consisted of a set of graduated rings that represented important circles on the celestial sphere, such as the horizon, the celestial equator, the ecliptic, and the meridian. These rings formed a skeletal celestial sphere. A movable sighting arrangement allowed early astronomers to observe a celestial object and then read off its position using the markings on the relevant circles.Ptolemy and other Greek astronomers used the quadrant, a graduated quarter of a circle constructed to allow an observer to measure the altitude of celestial objects above the horizon. An astronomer would sight a target celestial object along one arm of the quadrant and then read off its elevation from a scale (from 0 to 90 degrees) with the help of a plumb line suspended from the center of the quarter circle. With this arrangement a celestial object just on the horizon would have an elevation of 0 degrees, while an object at zenith would have an elevation of 90 degrees.(will add more if i find out more)

Does the celestial sphere exist physically?

No, the celestial sphere is a conceptual tool used by astronomers to map and locate stars and other celestial objects in the sky. It is an imaginary sphere around the Earth onto which the stars are projected.