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thought he was arrogant

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Q: Suetonius point of view on Caesar?
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How does Suetonius description of Caesar's funeral differ from William Shakespeare's description?

Most importantly, in Suetonius's description, Antony speaks "but briefly" and Brutus did not speak at all. Antony did arrange (he was consul and it was his job) to have a song sung with the words "Saved I these men that they might murder me?", and had the heralds read out the oath the Senators had taken (under duress) to protect Caesar's life. Caesar was cremated shortly thereafter according to Suetonius.

To whom did Augustus Caesar tell festina lente?

He didn't say it to anyone. It was a motto attributed to him by the Roman writer Suetonius.

What is the birth name of Suetonius?

Suetonius's birth name is Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus.

When was Suetonius born?

Suetonius was born in 0069.

When did Suetonius die?

Suetonius died in 0140.

What is the most reliable source for Julius Caesar?

Try reading Suetonius The Twelve Caesars - Penguin paperback edition is a good, easy to read translation by Robert Graves

Julius Caesar what are the reasons of his death Julius Caesar?

The main reason is that Brutus believed he was ambitious. Antony does through in some good points how he wasn't ambitious. Caesar was apparently [from Brutus's point of view] power hungry and would make Rome corrupt.

What was juilus Caesar's turnig point?

Julis Caesar's turning point came when he crossed the Rubicon.

Who is governor suetonius?

There is no historical figure known as Governor Suetonius. However, Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus was a Roman historian and biographer known for his work "The Twelve Caesars," which provides valuable information on the lives of Julius Caesar and his successors as Roman emperors.

When did Spurrina warn Julius Caesar?

In the Suetonius where we get the story from I don't believe it says specifically, but I think it implies that it was fairly near the time of his speech that ended in his murder (as in a few days before).

What are caesars last words in latin?

Julius Caesar's last words are not known with certainty and have been the subject of debates. According to the ancient Roman historian Suetonius, Caesar did not say anything. Suetonius mentioned that others claimed that he said "You too, child?" However, he did not say this in Latin. He said it in Greek: "καὶ σύ, τέκνον." Elite Roman men were educated in both Latin and Greek, were fluent in Greek and often spoke in Greek. In his play, William Shakespeare had Caesar say : "Et tu, Brutus." However, this is not what Caesar was said to have said.