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Dissolution is a physical process.

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1w ago

The process of sugar dissolving in water is a physical change because no new substances are formed. The sugar molecules simply mix with the water molecules to create a homogeneous solution.

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Q: Sugar dissolve in water what is the chemical or physical?
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Is the ability to dissolve in water a physical property or a chemical property?

Its A physical change. When you boil water under a stove, The water evaporates and the chemical stays in the..pan or whatever you put in it.

What chemical makes a sugar cube dissolve?

Sugar is dissolved easily in water.

If chalk doesn't dissolve in water is it a chemical or physical change?

It is a physical change because the chalk is still chemically the same substance whether it is in solid form or dispersed in water. The molecules in the chalk are not altered by the process of being put in water.

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What if sugar is dissolve in water what process?

Dissolution is a physical process.

Is making Sugar into sugar syrup a physical change or chemical change?

Unless you overdo it and carmelize it, it is a physical change. A typical process is to dissolve a large amount of sugar into hot water (physical change - the sugar is still sugar and the water is still water; they do not react. If the sugar-water is not syrupy enough, you can boil off some of the water (still a physical change). If you overdo it though, you will begin to caramelize the sugar. If the sugar is sucrose, it breaks down into fructose and sucrose along with a host of other side reactions that condense, isomerize, dehydrate, fragment, polymerize, and otherwise chemically change the original sugar. Caramelization is definitely a chemical change, but it is not necessary to make syrup.

When Sugar dissolves in hot water a physical or chemical change?

Dissolving sugar in water is a physical change. If you let the water evaporate, the sugar will be left behind. Evaporation is a physical process, not chemical.

Is dissolving sugar in water a physical changes?

Yes, dissolving sugar in water is a physical change. If you let the water evaporate, you the sugar will be left behind. Evaporation is a physical process, not chemical.-No, It is a Chemical change.

Is dissolve a spoonful of sugar in water a chemical reaction?

I love chocolate :)

Is dissolving zinc in water physical or chemical?

Zinc doesn't dissolve in water, but if it did, it would be a physical change.

Is dissolving sugar physical or chemical?

Sugar dissolving would be an example of a physical change. This is because it does not change chemically, so it is still sugar.

Is mixing sugar in water a physical change or a chemical change?

Mixing sugar in water is a physical change because it does not change the chemical composition of either the sugar or the water. The sugar molecules are simply dispersed in the water, but they remain as sugar and water.