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1. Define a structure?

A. A structure is a set of variables positioned under one name, offering a suitable means of relevant information together. Declaration of structure creates a template which can be used to produce structure objects that are called as its instances. The variables which form the structure are called as members, also referred as fields or elements.

2. Define a pointer?

A. A pointer is nothing but a reference to some memory location. As a computer has billions or may be even trillions of cells, every cell can be filled with some data. With the help of pointers, one can know and access the value of its memory cell and its location.

3. What are the advantages of a pointer?

A. Dynamic Memory Allocation, Passing structures and array to functions, creating data structures like linked lists, trees and so on, and passing addresses to functions.

4. Define static variable?

A. A special variable which is stored in the data segment not like the default auto variable that is stored in stack, is called static variable. It can be initialized through using keyword static before variable name.

5. How are structure passing and returning implemented?

A. When you pass structures as arguments to functions, the whole structure is usually pushed on the stack, through as several words as are needed. To avoid this overhead, programmers usually opt to use pointers to structures instead. Some compilers simply pass a pointer to the structure, even though they have to produce a local copy to save pass-by-value semantics.

Structures are usually returned from functions in a position pointed to by an additional, compiler-supplied hidden argument to the function. Few older compilers used to use unique, static locations for structure returns, though this made structure-valued functions non-reentrant that ANSI C disapproves.

6. Why can't we compare structures?

A. We do not have one or fine way for a compiler to apply structure evaluation that is constant with lower level flavor of C. A plain byte-by-bye comparison could be found on random bits available in unused 'holes' in the structure; such filling is used to maintain the arrangement of following fields accurate. A field-by-field assessment may require improper amounts of recurring code for larger structures.

7. Why doesn't struct x { … };x thestruct; work?

A. C is not similar to C++. Typedef names are not automatically produced for structure tags

8. Why doesn't this code: a[i] = i++; work?

A. The subexpression i++ creates a side effect. It changes i's value which directs to undefined behavior as i as well is referenced somewhere else in the same expression

9. Can we initialize unions?

A. ANSI C permits an initializer for the foremost member of a union. We do not have any standard method of initializing other members (there is no way even under a pre-ANSI compiler to initialize a unionl)

10. Can main () be called recursively?

A. Yes, any function that has main() could be called recurrently.

11. Are the variables argc and argv are always local to main?

A. Yes, argc and argv are local to main

12. What would be the similar pointer expression for referring the equivalent element as a[p][q][r][s]?

A. *( * ( * ( * (a+p) + q ) + r ) + s)

13. Are the expressions *ptr ++ and ++ *ptr same?

A. No. *ptr++ increments pointer, not the value pointed by it. Where as ++*ptr increments the value being pointed to by ptr.

14. What are the benefits of using array of pointers to string instead of an array of strings?

A. (i) Effective usage of memory

(ii) Simpler to swap the strings through moving their pointers when sorting

15. Discuss on pointer arithmetic?

A. (i) Assigning pointers to the similar kind of pointers

(ii) Subtracting or adding a pointer and an integer

(iii) comparing and subtracting two pointers

(iv) Decrementing or incrementing the pointer that are pointing to the elements of an array while a pointer to an integer is added by one, the address is added by two. The Compiler does this automatically.

Assiging value 0 to the pointer variable and comparing it with the pointer. Pointer consisting 0 points to nothing at all

16. What is the invalid pointer arithmetic?

A. (i) Adding, dividing and multiplying two pointers

(ii) Adding double or float to pointer

(iii) Masking or shifting pointer

(iv) Assigning a pointer of one type to another type of pointer.

17. Is the allocated space within a function automatically deallocated when the function returns?

A. None of the pointers are similar to that of what they actually point to. Local variables like local pointer variables in a function are automatically deallocated if function returns. However, coming to a local pointer variable, deallocation is nothing but the pointer being deallocated and not blocking of memory allocated to it. Memory that is allocated dynamically always continues till the program terminates or allocation is freed.

18. What are the pointer declarations used in C?

A. (i) Pointers to an array

(ii) Array of pointers

(iii) Pointer to a data type

(iv) Pointer to a pointer

(v) Function returning a pointer

19. Can we use any name in place of argv and argc as command line arguments?

A. Yes. We can certainly use any user defined name instead of argc and argv.

20. Difference between an array of pointers and a pointer to an array?

A. Array of pointers

(i) Declaration - data type *array_name[size]

(ii) Size indicates size of the row

(iii) The space for columns may be dynamically allocated

Pointer of Arrays

(i) Declaration - data_type (*array_name)[size]

(ii) Size indicates size of the column

21. Difference between an array name and a pointer variable?

A. A pointer variable is a variable while an array name is not a variable but is a fixed address. Unlike a pointer variable, array name cannot be initialized. An array name being a constant value, - and ++ operators can not be applied to it.

22. What is the purpose of rewind()?

A. The rewind() function is used to get the file pointer to the starting of the file. Rewind (fp);

Fp is a file pointer.

And we can get similar effect through


23. What is the purpose of ftell?

A. The ftell() function is used to get the current file referred by the file pointer. ftell(fp); returns a long integer value referring the current location of the file pointed by the file pointer fp. If any error occurs, it will return -1.

24. What is a random access file?

A. A file can be accessed at random through function fseek(),

fseek(fp,position,origin); file pointer number file pointer fp positions number of bytes offset origin from 0, 1 or 2 denoting the starting, current or end position of the file respectively.

25. How is fopen()used?

A. The fopen() function return a file pointer. So a file pointer is declared and is assigned as

FILE *fp;


26. How is a file closed?

A. A file is closed using fclose() function

27. What is a file pointer?

A. The pointer to a FILE data type is known as a file pointer or a stream pointer. This pointer points to the block of information of the stream/file that had just been accessed.

28. What is a stream?

A. A stream is nothing but source of destination of data or simply data that is associated with a hard disk or other input/output device. The source stream that offers data to a program is known as input stream and the source stream that receives the result from the program is known as output stream.

29. What is meant by file opening?

A. The process of connecting a program to a file is known as file opening. It needs I/O stream creation in advance to writing or reading the data.

30. What exactly is a file?

A. A file is an area of storage in auxiliary storage devices or in hard disks. It includes information in bytes.

31. What are the types of files?

A. Files are of two types

1-high level files (stream oriented files) - These are accessed through library functions

2-low level files (system oriented files) - These are accessed through system calls

32. What is the difference between the functions memmove() and memcpy()?

A. The arguments of memmove() can overlie in memory, while the arguments of memcpy() cannot

33. What do the functions atoi(), itoa() and gcvt() do?

A. atoi() is a macro that converts integer to character.

itoa() It converts an integer to string

gcvt() It converts a floating point number to string

34. How would you use the functions randomize() and random()?

A. Randomize() initiates random number generation with a random value.

Random() generates random number between 0 and n-1

35. What are the two forms of #include directive?


1. #include"filename"

2. #include

36. What are the facilities provided by preprocessor?

A. File inclusion, substitution facility and conditional compilation

37. What is a preprocessor? What are the advantages of preprocessor?

A. Preprocessor practices the source code program before it is sent through the compiler.

(i) It includes the readability of a program

(ii) It helps in easier modification

(iii) It facilitates writing convenient programs

(iv) It helps in easier debugging

(v) It helps in testing a portion of program

(vi) It enables implementing comprehensive program

38. Define bit fields? Point out their uses in Structure declaration?

A. A bit field is a group of adjoining bits in a one execution based on storage unit which we call as a "word".

Usually, the field definition's syntax and access is based on a structure.

Struct {

unsigned int k :1;

unsigned int l :1;

unsigned int m :1;


The number that is preceeding the colon indicates the field width. And flag is a variable that includes 3 bit fields.

39. What is the maximum combined length of command line arguments including the space between adjacent arguments?

A. It depends on the operating system

40. Compose a program to swap two variables without the help of third variable.

A. a^=b;



In the above program, the numbers are converted into binary numbers and then xor operator is executed.

41. What is pre-increment and post-increment?

A. ++num (pre-increment) increases value of num before it is used in the expression, where num++ (post-increment) increases the num after its value is used.

42. Difference between logical vs syntax errors?

A. Logical error:

It occurs by a wrong algorithm or a mistyped statement in such a way that it does not violate the syntax, and these are difficult to find.

Syntax error:

It involves syntax validation, and compiler prints diagnostic message.

Ex: a=b

43. What are C identifiers?

A. C identifiers are the names given to different programming elements like arrays, functions and variables. It is usually a combination of a letter, a digit and an underscore. It should start with a letter, and backspace is not allowed.

44. What are C tokens?

A. There are 6 classes of C tokens - keywords, constants, identifier, operators, string literals and other separators.

45. What do the 'c' and 'v' in argc and argv stand for?

A. The c in argument count, argc stands for the number of the command line argument that the program is invoked with. And v in argument vector, argv is a pointer to an array of the character string that contains the argument.

46. Difference between array and pointer?

A. Array:

(i) Arrays allocate space, automatically

(ii) They can not be reassigned

(iii) They can not be resized

(iv) sizeof (arrayname) returns the number of bytes occupied by the array.


(i) Assigned explicitly to point an allocated space.

(ii) It can be reassigned

(iii) It can be resized using realloc() function

(iv) sizeof (p) gives the number of bytes used to store the pointer variable p.

47. Compose a program using Command Line Arguments?



void main(int argc,char *argv[])


int i;





48. Write a program which employs Recursion?

A. int fact(int n) { return n > 1 ? n * fact(n - 1) : 1; }

49. How can we read/write Structures from/to data files?

A. To compose a structure fwrite() can be used as Fwrite(&e, sizeof(e),1,fp); Here, e is a structure variable. A consequent fread() invocation will be able to read the structure back from file. Calling function fwrite() will write out sizeof(e) byte from the address & e. Data files that are written as memory images with function fwrite(), but will not be portable, especially if they include floating point fields or pointers. It is because structures' memory layout is compiler and machine dependent. Hence, structures written as memory are not need to be read back by programs running on other machine, also this is an important factor if the data files that you are writing will ever be exchanged between machines.

50. Can a Structure contain a Pointer to itself?

A. Yes such structures are called self-referential structures.

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