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supercharger oil for 2002 pontaic Bonneville ssi what is it and what is the best oil to replace it with?

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Q: Supercharger oil for 2002 pontaic bonaville sse what is the best oil to replace it with?
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You need to replace the turn signal bulb. When bulb is burnt out the turn signal will flash faster.

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put a socket on the tensioner pulley and pull on it until there is slack then just slip it off.

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mine cost about $16 at Autozone. difficult to reach to replace it, but works perfectly now. good luck!

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If it is for the supercharger, you would use gm supercharger oil.

What kind of supercharger does the 2002 GTP have?

Eaton M90 Gen V

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If you are asking whether they are front wheel or rear wheel. They are front wheel drive.

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under the hood right next to air filter

Does the 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP require special oil?

no. you can use any oil in the engine. But only use GM supercharger oil for the supercharger.

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Look underneath the car, just ahead of the fuel tank on the passenger side.

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It doesn't even have a turbo or supercharger. So no, it does not.

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in the engine left of the supercharger.