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After the reaction of silver nitrate with an alkali salt an insoluble white silver salt is precipitated in water.

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Q: Suppose you mixed two chemicals in the lab until you could not tell the two apart. After some time passed a white powder formed which would not dissolve and settled on the bottom. The mixture was firs?
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How is a mixture of water and sand a suspension?

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Why leaf bits will settled in alcohol?

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A heterogeneous mixture where particles are large enough to be seen with the naked eye is a suspension. An example of this is settled mud in water.

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Orange juice without pulp is an example of a homogeneous mixture. The ingredients comprising the juice are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

When a powder is mixed with a liquid and some of the powder settles at the bottom is it a homogeneous mixture or a heterogeneous mixture?

It is heterogeneous since some of the powder settled to the bottom. If all the powder had mixed in, it would be homogeneous.

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What does the verb 'settled' mean?

The verb settled can have a few meanings. Settled originally meant when moving to a new land or residence, you would have things set up to live there---not necessarily all you needed or wanted, but you were there at least for the time being. People who immigated to new colonies were Settlers who settled a specific location. Settled can also mean calm or unmoving, with a pleasant or satisfied feeling of being "at home". It means to stop moving or a person or an object or element to be comfortable with its surroundings. Example: I settled into my new house wiith a sense of adventure. In areas where parties have an issue with each other that needs resolved, the issue can be called "settled" when the issue is resolved. Example: The insurance company settled with the insured. Or... The civil case was settled out of court. Even between neighbors or friends, "They settled their differences." In modern slang it can also mean that you took whatever came along your way. For instance, "The woman was bored with her life, so she settled for the first job offer that came her way." Settle and settled, present and past tenses, have similar meanings. In chemistry, one part of a mixture can "settle" and separate out from the mixture.

What is a mixture where the substances do not settle over time?

Kool-aid is a good example of homogeneous mixture. In any homogeneous mixture, all the species making up the solution are in a defined ratio. There are other two types of solutions that yields a heterogeneous mixture, namely, colloids and emulsions.

How would you separate sand poppy seeds and salt into its components?

- Put this mixture in water and vigourously stir.- Salt is dissolved.- Sand is settled.- Poppy seeds float.