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Helen Keller had to surmount many obstacles to become a well known writer and speaker.

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Q: Surmount in a sentence
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What is a sentence for the word surmount?

Helen Keller had to surmount obstacles many mountains of deaf and blindness

How do you use surmount in a sentence?

You must surmount your fear of heights if you want to work in the construction field.Helen Keller had to surmount many obstacles to become a well known writer and speaker.You will have problems to overcome to achieve your goal but none that you can't surmount.

How would you use surmount in a sentence?

The sneers and whispered insults of his classmates where just further obstacles which he had to surmount on his path towards acceptance.

What is the latin word superant in English?

They surmount, they surpass.

What part of speech is surmounted?

The word surmounted is a verb. It is the past tense of the verb surmount.

What is a synonym for overcoming obstacles?

Some synonyms for overcoming obstacles are get over, subdue, surmount, or master.

Another word for outmatched?

surpass, outstrip, outmatch, outgo, exceed, outdo, surmount, outperform Source:

What is another way to say 'rise'?

Increase, improvement, elevation, ascension, surmount, arouse, aspire, grow, enlarge, flourish, emanate...

What is the difference between surmounted and dismounted?

Dismount is to throw down or remove from a mount or an elevated position. Surmount is to surpass in quality or attainment.

What does surmountable mean?

the 'middle finger' of 'mother dogs' throughout the whole 'middle finger' universe and in earth where many 'middle finger'ed up people like you live in and then just bite off their small fragile penis surmount means to play dota with your friends and get triple kill everytime and then say that your enemy sucks. Surmount is when you are getting triple kills and beyond godlike streaks

Which word has almost the same meaning as overcome?

beat, best, conquer, crush, defeat, master, overpower, overthrow, overwhelm, prevail, subdue, subjugate, surmount, vanquish,

Can you overcome a challenge or what is a better word for overcome?

Yes you can overcome a challenge, or you could use: conquer, defeat, master, prevail against (or over) ,surmount, triumph over,