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It helps get rid of the water in your body also. But the main thing sweating does is cool down the body when it gets hot.

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Q: Sweat helps the body get rid of wastes and?
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What do sweat gland do?

Sweat glands, also known as sudoriferous glands, produce perspiration that helps cool your body (that's why you sweat when it's hot).. Sweat is an excretory product that helps the body get rid of wastes. Some types of sweat glands also produce pheromones. Pheromones are chemicals that are released by the body to communicate with or attract others. The human body has between 2 million and 4 million sweat glands located on the lower part of the skin.

How does sweatin help a runner?

Sweating helps get rid of wastes and cool down the body.

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It helps unneeded liquids and fluids leave your body in the form of urine.

How do sweat glands help in the excretory?

The sweat glands help in the excretory process by removing wastes from the blood and sending it out of the body. The excretion of salt, lactic acid, and water are produced by the sweat glands.

What does sweat get rid of?

sweat can get rid of body heat, unwanted oils, and dirt on the skin. :)

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The Excretory system gets rid of wastes.

What does sweat help get rid of?

sweat can get rid of body heat, unwanted oils, and dirt on the skin. :)

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Get rid of the body wastes.

Does your nervous System get rid of waste from your body?

The nervous system does not directly get rid of body wastes

What are the body waste that should be eliminated?

One waste is number 1, number 2, and sweat.