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Sweat is made of ,water,urine,salt, and other things that are wasted in your body

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Q: Sweat is made of water and what else?
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What is sweat made up of?

Sweat is water. But it is not all water. It contains urea and sometimes lactates. It also has minerals that may include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and smaller amounts of zinc, copper, chromium, nickel and lead. However, it also depends on how much of these you have in your body. If you have a high amount of these things in your body, more will escape in the sweat.

How does sweat form in your body?

Sweat is made from drinking water it forms in your body and comes back out, and if you dont drink enough water you will not sweat and you will dehidrate.

Why do dogs sweat through their pads?

Dogs sweat through their pads and their mouths. This is because a dog does not have sweat glands anywhere else. That is why when a dog is hot it will sweat a lot and stand in water, because that will cool is down.

How do you make home made detox?

Water. Sweat. Time.

Can DNA be found in sweat after one year?

No. There is no DNA in sweat, since it is made of water and some chemicals.

What percent of body is water?

80 % yeah get that right loser

Is it unhealthy to not sweat?

Yes it is very unhealthy not to sweat. Sweat cools your body down. Without it you can't cool down,which can cause you to pass out. Make sure you keep hydrated,because you cant sweat without water. If you do drink a lot of water,you should go tell doctor,because something else can be wrong.

Why water is so important to cell growth and development?

water is so important to us because we are made of water and we lose it by sweat and when sweat comes out you need to put water in so yea. :) hope this helps.

What else can you sweat for?

Sweating, also known as perspiration, is the production of fluids secreted by the sweat glands in the skin of mammals. Evaporation of sweat from the skin surface has a cooling effect due to the evaporation of water. Sweating is done to cool down the body's temperature.

What percentages of sweat is water?

99% of water is in sweat. the other % is nutritions. by:Alayna

Can a cell be produced by water and no thing else?

No. That would be impossible, a molecule can be made of water and nothing else.

What do sweat glands excrete?

Sweat glands excrete sweat ( which is mostly salt and water).