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Yes, adding 2 packets of Sweet 'n Low to a bowl of mixed haircolor works well for a client who has a sensitive scalp. It will help with any itchiness and burning and will not effect the haircolor results.

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Q: Sweet'n Low is it used for an anti itch for hair color?
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Does pomegranate affect hair color?

I don't think pomegranate has anything to do with hair except for the nutrition within the fruit. Most fruits don't affect hair color but some affect hair loss, itch, and the amount of humidity inside the hair string.

Is jock itch fungal or bacterial?

Jock itch is a fungal infection, treated with anti-fungal medication.

I keep trying to grow out my facial hair but the itch is horrendous and I end up shaving it all off any ideas to prevent the itch Or to help calm the itch when it comes?

If you keep trying to grow out your facial hair, but find the itch is horrendous, do not shave it. The best idea to prevent the itch is to apply a good soothing facial lotion every day. Use of a good hair conditioner on your facial hair will help soften the hair as well.

Why did they take Johnson and Johnson band aid anti itch gel off the market?

From what I understand, it is rebranded as "Benadryl, Anti-Itch Cooling Gel For Kids". I have been using Rhuli gel, then the rebranded Band-Aid anti-itch gel for more than 30 years. Hope that this is still the same.

Why does your hair itch when you talk about hair lice?

it is because u think about hair lice and think that its in your hair

Why does a weave itch?

well , weave doesn't itch . your scalp does . since you haven't touched nor styled your hair for awhile , your scalp begins to itch due to dryness , flakes , etc . that's why you must oil your hair : )

What you can you used to control a itch?

You could always use an inti itch cream like Cortizone Anti Itch Cream. You can find other creams and sprays at your local drug store.

How do you get rid of itching?

If it is not a rash, just a regular itch, itch it, not too hard. If it persists, try anti-itch cream.

What do you call the hair of the caterpillar that can make us itch?


What is the most effective anti itch cream on the market?

There have been no scientific, peer-reviewed studies to determine what the most effective anti itch cream on the market is. However, user reviews seem to indicate that Benadryl ReadyMist, Eurax, and Lanacane are excellent options.

How do you make the itch of a mosquito bite go away?

Rub toothpaste on it *an old pioneer trick* believe it or not...

What is cortezone?

Cortizone is a brand of anti-itch medications, manufactured by Chattem, that contain hydrocortisones.