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Swimming uses both; you need skeletal muscles to keep your self afloat (treading the water), but also, you need your lungs (which is a smooth muscle). Some people say lungs are involuntary, but they can actually be both, as you can control when you want to breathe, but you also need to breathe from time to time (or you would die). In the case of swimming, they're are both, though, because you can control when you want to come up from the water, but you also would need to come up in a minute or two (unless you want to spend your time in a bad condition: DEATH). Hoped this help

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Q: Swimming using skeletal or smooth muscles?
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What muscle is responsible for swallowing?

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When i go swimming why do my muscles seem to hurt?

Probably because swimming uses a lot of muscles and you aren't used to using those muscles.

How are voluntary and involuntary muscles different from one another?

There are three muscle types: skeletal muscle which move bones and thereby the body, cardiac muscle which causes the heart to beat and smooth muscle which is found in all hollow organs except the heart. The skeletal muscles are also called voluntary because you must use your mind to move them using the nervous system. Neither the smooth muscles nor the cardiac muscles require thought to move them, but they do need nervous stimulation.

What types of muscle are under voluntary control?

Skeletal muscles, like biceps, are under voluntary control. Smooth muscle, like the diaphragm, and cardiac muscle are involuntary. Thanks for using!

What are skeletal muscles and what do they do?

Skeletal muscles consist of striated muscle tissue, they are largely voluntary muscles their purpose is to move the skeleton. They are anchored to the skeleton at either end by tendons and operate by using the bones as leavers and the joints as points of articulation.

What is the correct definition for voluntary muscle?

Voluntary (also known as) skeletal muscles are used to create movement, by applying force to bones and joints; via contraction. They generally contract voluntarily (via somatic nerve stimulation), although they can contract involuntarily through reflexes.muscular system Consists of all the muscles in the body, especially the ones that help you move. skeletal muscle Voluntary muscle that is attached to bones of the skeleton and helps the body move. smooth muscle Involuntary muscle that is found in the walls of internal organs, such as the stomach.

Why are voluntary muscles known as skeletal muscles?

The terms voluntary and skeletal muscle are rally for the same muscle type. These are muscles that move the body by using bones as levers (skeletal) and we have to use our brain and nervous system to make the move (voluntary).Involuntary muscles are found in all of our hollow organs except the heart and these do not require input from the brain.

Where are the voluntary muscles located?

Arms, legs, hands, feet, face... Anywhere where you can voluntarily move. And involuntary muscle is one that is moved automatically and unconsciously (i.e. you don't have to think about moving them) by a part of the brain, like your heart or digestive system. Your lungs are an example of both: they breath automatically, but you can also control them.

How are the skeletal system the muscular system and the nervous system connected to each other?

Skeletal system provides the support and shape to the body. It works as a base that muscles attach to using tendons. Muscles contract and relax in order to move the body.

What are the three different types of muscle found in the human body?

Cardiac muscle tissue forms the bulk of the wall of the heart. Like skeletal muscle tissue, it is striated (the muscle fibers contain alternating light and dark bands (striations) that are perpendicular to the long axes of the fibers). Unlike skeletal muscle tissue, its contraction is usually not under conscious control (involuntary). Smooth muscle tissue is located in the walls of hollow internal structures such as blood vessels, the stomach, intestines, and urinary bladder. Smooth muscle fibers are usually involuntary (not under conscious control), and they are nonstriated (smooth). Smooth muscle tissue, like skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue, can undergo hypertrophy. In addition, certain smooth muscle fibers, such as those in the uterus, retain their capacity for division and can grow by hyperplasia. Skeletal muscle tissue is named for its location - attached to bones. It is striated; that is, the fibers (cells) contain alternating light and dark bands (striations) that are perpendicular to the long axes of the fibers. Skeletal muscle tissue can be made to contract or relax by conscious control (voluntary). All skeletal muscle fibres are not alike in structure or function. For example, skeletal muscle fibres vary in colour depending on their content of myoglobin (myoglobin stores oxygen until needed by the mitochondria). Skeletal muscle fibers contract with different velocities, depending on their ability to split Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Faster contracting fibers have greater ability to split ATP. In addition, skeletal muscle fibers vary with respect to the metabolic processes they use to generate ATP. They also differ in terms of the onset of fatigue. Based on various structural and functional characteristics, skeletal muscle fibres are classified into three types: Type I fibres, Type II B fibres and type II A fibers.

What happens when you move your arms but the muscle doesn't move?

Basically, All the muscles in your entire body can move.There's muscles that you can move on your own, and there's muscles that you can't.Nevertheless, these muscles that you can't move, move by itself.These muscles are called "The cardiac and smooth muscles.".Muscles that you are able to move on your own are "Skeletal muscles.".- Christofer Placencio, 01/31/13.

What are some ways that humans could delay the onset of fatigue when they are vigorously using their skeletal muscles?

There are a few ways that humans could delay the onset of fatigue when they are vigorously using their skeletal muscles. One way would be to take frequent breaks. Another way would be to have a small snack halfway through the exercise routine.