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It feels sorta like the flu, except it comes pretty quickly. All of a sudden, you'll be running a very high temp and you'll feel sick because your blood pressure will drop. You will also have a sunburn-like rash.

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12y ago

Toxic shock syndrome can occur after wearing a tampon for too long. What happens is that bacteria living inside of a woman have a proper environment for growth thanks to the tampon. Although TSS can occur from wearing a tampon for too long, it is not the only way. If a person gets an infection, and the infection is not cured quickly, toxins produced by bacteria can accumulate and cause a high fever, this is due to an immune response, as well as a rash.

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Related questions

How do you diagnose toxic shock syndrome?

Toxic shock syndrome is diagnosed based on the symptoms a person is showing. Some of these symptoms include fever, systolic blood pressure, vomiting, renal failure, and hepatic inflammation.

What is the scientific name for Toxic Shock Syndrome?

The scientific name for Toxic Shock Syndrome is "Staphylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome" or "Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome" depending on the bacterium that causes it.

Can you still have toxic shock syndrome if you only have some of the symptoms?

Yes. Go to the doctor.

What are the symptoms of toxic shock syndrome and what are its complications if it is left untreated?

Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS) can cause the following: kidney failure, heart failure and liver failure. You should see a doctor immediately if you experience this.

Does toxic shock syndrome still goes on in other countries?

Toxic Shock Syndrome occurs globally.Toxic Shock Syndrome is not restricted to only certain countries.

Are diarrhea and cramps signs of toxic shock syndrom?

Diarrhea and cramps can be symptoms of Toxic Shock Syndrome, but they can also be symptoms of a simply stomach bug or a result of hormone-like chemicals responsible for pushing out menstrual flow acting on the uterus and bowels. With Toxic Shock Syndrome you will always have a high fever and low blood pressure.

Can toxic shock syndrome delay your periods?

toxic shock syndrome is quite rare. if you have a very high fever and severe flu like symptoms see a doctor fast, but it's far likelier that pregnancy or stress is the cause.

Understanding Toxic Shock Syndrome?

Toxic shock syndrome is a dangerous bacterial infection that can be caused by the accumulation of bacteria in the vaginal area. Usually, the infection is the result of wearing a tampon for extended periods of time. If toxic shock syndrome is not recognized and treated quickly, a poor prognosis may result. Symptoms of toxic shock syndrome may include fever, chills, nausea, vomiting and severe abdominal pain. Treatment for toxic shock syndrome typically includes hospitalization and the administration of intravenous fluids and antibiotics.

What is the abbreviation of toxic shock syndrome?

The abbreviation for Toxic Shock Syndrome is TSS. Abbreviation means a shortened form of a word or a phrase, often using the first letters of the words in the phrase; Toxic Shock Syndrome: TSS.

Do you always have a fever with toxic shock syndrome?

Yes, you will always have a fever with toxic shock syndrome. You will also have low blood pressure.

Why has the incidence of toxic shock syndrome declined?

Toxic shock syndrome most often occurs in menstruating women using highly absorbent tampons. The incidence of toxic shock syndrome has declined markedly since this type of tampon was withdrawn from the market.

Which organism causes toxic shock syndrome?

The organism that causes toxic shock syndrome is a bacterium called streptococcus pyogenes, or TSLS, according to Wikipedia.