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Q: Synaptic vesicles at the neuromuscular junction contain?
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How do you use vesicle in a sentence?

Synaptic vesicles in the neuromuscular junction contain Acetylcholine. The scattered vesicles in various stages of development and healing suggested the diagnosis of varicella.

Which structure contains vesicles with acetylcholine?

Synaptic vesicles in the neuromuscular junction contain acetylcholine (ACh) which is the neurotransmitter for initiating muscular contractions.

What is mitochondria and synaptic vesicles?

Mitochondria is power house of cell while synaptic vesicles are produced by golgi body and contain neurotransmitter .

Which area would contain an abundance of vesicles containing neurotransmitter?

Neurotransmitters are stored in synaptic vesicles within axonal terminals for release into the synaptic cleft.

Is synaptic vesicles contain chemical messenger?

Yes sometimes. . . . When it comes to science I'm \ the master

What does Synaptic Vesicles contain?

A small membrane-bound structure in the axon terminals of nerve cells that contains neurotransmitters and releases them by exocytosis when an action potential reaches the terminal.

This contains neurotransmitter that allow. Signal to cross from on neuron to another?

Synaptic Vesicles contain neurotransmitters that travel in as per with potential gradience to transmit information

Synaptic vesicles in the axon terminal of a motor neuron contain what neurotransmitter?

Synaptic vesicles store neurotransmitters to be released into the synapses. In the case of most motoneurons, this neurotransmitter is acetylcholine (ACh). The neurons that interface with the sympathetic nervous system, also technically motoneurons, release norepinephrine.

What does the synaptic knobs of the presynaptic neuron contain synaptic vesicles loaded with?

To provide energy for the re-combination of Choline and ethanoic acid, to form Acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is used as a neurotransmitter, and gets broken down after its reached the sodium channels' receptors on the post-synaptic membrane by acetylcholinease.

What is the function of telodendria?

At the distal end, and axon usually has a terminal arborization(Telodendria)- and extensive complex of fine branches. Each branch ends in a synaptic knob(Terminal button), a little swelling that forms a junction (synapse) with the next cell. It contains synaptic vesicles full of neurotransmitters.

Where the neurotransmitter released?

Neurotransmitter are means by which neurons communicate with one another.There are more than 30 compounds known to be neurotransmitters, and dozens of others are thought to be so.Synapses contain synaptic vesicles and other organelles such as mitochondria.Chemical neurotransmitters are manufactured by neurons in the soma, then stored in little bundlescalled synaptic vesicles and transferred to the synapses.

What is the extensions on the distal end of a neuron called?

The distal end of a neuron is the axon, an extension that arises from the soma (cell body), and at the distal end of an axon there are extensions called telodendria. At the distal ends of telodendria are knoblike structures called synaptic end bulbs (sometimes called synaptic knobs). Synaptic end bulbs have synaptic vesicles inside them that contain neurotransmitters. Synaptic vesicles are released by exocytosis into the synaptic cleft for diffusion. I can't tell from the way your question is worded if you're asking about axons, telodenria or synaptic end bulbs because all of these structures are at the distal end of a neuron. Determine what the function of the "extensions" is and use whichever part of my answer applies.