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This system is known as a democracy, where citizens have the power to participate in the decision-making process by voting in elections. In a democracy, leaders are chosen through free and fair elections, and the government is accountable to the people.

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Q: System of government in which citizens have the right to vote and choose their leaders?
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How do you use consent of the goverened in a sentence?

In a democracy, consent of the governed means that the government's authority comes from the will of the people. For example, the legitimacy of a government is based on the consent of the governed, who have the power to choose their leaders through free and fair elections.

What is the difference between legal and voluntary duties of citizens?

Legal duties are obligations that citizens are required to fulfill by law, such as paying taxes or obeying traffic laws. Voluntary duties are actions that citizens may choose to take on their own accord, such as community service or voting in elections. While legal duties are enforced by the government and can result in penalties for non-compliance, voluntary duties are undertaken willingly without a legal requirement.

Definition of liberty of abode?

Liberty of abode is the freedom to choose where one lives without restriction, interference, or coercion by the government or any external authority. It is a fundamental human right that ensures individuals have the autonomy to determine their place of residence.

Who can be elected in an Autocratic government?

In an autocratic government, the leader is typically the one who holds all the power and is not elected through a democratic process. In some cases, a monarch or dictator may choose to appoint individuals to certain positions of power, but these appointments typically serve to consolidate the leader's authority rather than operate as elected representatives.

What kind of law is the constitution?

The constitution is a form of foundational or fundamental law that sets out the framework for how a government is organized and operates. It typically establishes the structure of government, defines the scope of governmental powers, and protects individual rights.

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Governmet where citizens choose the leaders?

A democracy - government by the people or their elected agents under a free electoral system

What is a government under which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders?

a Republic

In a republic did the people choose representatives to govern them?

Yes. A republic is a form of government in which the citizens choose their leaders and the people (or at least a part of its people) have an impact on its government.

Do republic choose their leaders?

Yes, they do. Democracy countries has their citizens vote their leaders.

Do republics choose their own leaders?

Yes, they do. Democracy countries has their citizens vote their leaders.

Who elects government leaders?

In democratic systems, government leaders are typically elected by the people through a process of voting. This can include national or general elections, where citizens have the opportunity to choose their leaders, such as presidents or prime ministers. In some cases, leaders may also be elected through indirect methods, such as through the parliament or legislature.

What is the form of government in which citizens choose their leader?


What is a state in which the citizens choose representatives to run the government?

The type of government in which citizens choose representatives to run the government is a representative government. This is the type of government that the United States borrowed from Greece once their independence from Great Britain was obtained.

Which 3 levels of government do American citizens choose representatives?

Well, the three levels of government for which American citizens choose reprisenitives are:President,governer,Mayor.

What is a government where people make their own laws and choose their leaders?


What is a government where voters choose leaders who make and enforce laws?

A (Democratic) Republic.

What similarities may citizens have in selecting leaders in dictatorships and absolute monarchies?

They have no similarities because they no role in selecting when it comes to dictators and monarchies. The citizens can't choose!